Take the risk of disease, the worst 10 menu.Burgers-pizza ... danger!!!"Food is just one factor in the" "!!!" that is important to humans, which is based on the general principle. Food eaten into the body, they must be good quality. There is a complete and adequate nutrition, as the human body needs is clean and free from "toxic" mix. Can cause hazard dangerous to your health?However, it seems that the selection of dining in each man's menu. Need to refine it in a "dangerous" unsafe food, the body is by the "Content" of the Office Team Fund supports the Thai health promotion Foundation. I found that there is a "menu" of whom are favorites as "dangerous" 10 little food type: .....1. HamburgerHamburgers made from the rest of the meat from abattoir. The meat section, which is part of the it stack is not, the ground and grind into hamburger, as well as other bones, nose and Kip it's because Burger parts all come from an animal can beef up the label "authentic" (Pure Beef) held a high risk category. ""Because of the time lost in waiting for" meat "process used to Cook," bacteria "happen to be high" chemical red "to help rid space is going to make a red meat spoilage is changed to green. In addition, all of the hamburger "flavour additives" Monosodium Glutamate (MSG =. Mono sodium kluta met) which will cause headache and allergic reaction occurs by the "MSG" is a chemical laboratory experiment can help make animal fat. Finally, it will make consumers fat. The livestock industry is the most used antibiotics in the world. In order to counter the harmful bacteria in meat.Hotdok 2.As part of the "menu" because the production process is similar to a hamburger, and "all" to "hotdok substance nitrite" to help make Beef sausage, based on full and further by "substance" is nitrite which cause the "stomach cancer" cancer in the blood. Brain tumor and cancer in the bladder In addition, the "tube", the bags were made from "hotdok collagen synthesis" which is causing a "cancer". The fat is a compound that is not revealed is about 40%, and when grilled, it will cause a serious toxin called a "mild" acrylic (Acrylimides), better known as carcinogens and "destroy the nerve."3. เฟร้นช์ฟ list-fried potatoesThere is "a high toxicity." The FRY will use high temperature braised, acrylic compounds "mild", "oil", also used in chewing gum, each cake will also cause "oxidized", in the potato also contains silicon, Mick "glee" index (Glycemic) is very high, that means that it's changed, become Brown within the body very quickly.4. cookiesThe most obvious is that there is a high proportion of sugar, 23 g. It's a shock to find the Tablet last nutrients, meaning that there is very little that contains chocolate Tablet food in categories that have high quantities of sugar to make the skin crinkles and wrinkles have withered.5. pizzaPizza contains food from the "trim the genetic" 5:5.1 the "real butter" (Cheese cheese) just 10% only. That should not be called pure butter.5.2 the "dough" in the past, because the additive has made bleaching makes vitamins and minerals, but has made a number of additional minerals, synthetic molecules that existed into the new.5.3 "tomato sauce" made of substances like tomatoes that created the "pesticides" of it is in your body.5.4 "wheat flour". The type that is to trim the genetic.There are 5.5 "oil, cotton," composed by cotton plants, their food is not considered. It is through the spray with pesticides that farmers use on cotton seed will be a vacuum to remove various toxins, Ministry of finance, the Ministry of public health and the different kasatre do not cooperate with each other to ensure that it is safe to consume? It did not help make health care better, but it is a "g-net hydrocarbon oil", and is particularly harmful to health.In addition, "" flour, pizza baking surface in high temperature, there may be a "mild" acrylic compounds occur. While adding a new "pizza face" or add the phep Petit rose in front of sausage making high risk from "nitrite" Preservatives and other chemicals, as well as saturated fats that have been filled to factory.6. soft drinksThe key substance that is contained in the "soft" sulfur "is" acid (Phosphoric acid), which is high enough to melt the acid nail within 4 days of acid that accumulates in the body, making it difficult to keep the weight down, and "soda water", which is another component of the soft calcium out of the bones until the wash is causing "osteoporosis". In addition, 1 canned soft drinks are "non-sugar energy" 12 teaspoons. In the soft drinks that help reduce body weight or Diet soda called "sugar, artificial photosynthesis" (Artificial sweetener). Add sweetness to make the body more sugar because sugar kaikrahai to synthesize these sweet than sugar so much. While the "color" that is used in soft drinks, also as "carcinogens".7. fried chicken pieces-soft texture devoid of bone.It is made from a piece of chicken that does very little to it from white meat, to eat at a time really is generally 50% to 340 calories of energy as fat. There is a lot of bread flour with high carbohydrates are. The message "MSG" seasoning, headache and allergic reaction occurs. In addition, the "city chicken", some supermarkets have a "substance" which is aluminum harmful to harming the brain and Boulder Hotel meta of the body.8. ice creamThere is a very high fat content exceeds 50% of the recommended intake of fat per day. There are nearly 40% of carbohydrates carbohydrates recommended intake per day have more sugar, more sugar, appetite cause the skin wrinkles, fat-filled hydraulic wilt g and fat that varies from natural (Transfat) helps increase cholesterol sterol. Make a large artery blockage. Saronumun, independent body to add even more, which is why promoters,
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