ฉันรักแปลThe primary outcome measures were the proportion of patients receiving continuous IV fluid therapy, and details of fluid administration monitoring. Monitoring of fluid administration was determined by assessing the use of a fluid balance chart, documentation of body weight in the preceding 24 h, and measurement of serum electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate) and renal func- tion (creatinine, urea) in the 24 h preceding the audit. We also assessed the type and rate of the last three IV fluid flasks prescribed. Finally, we assessed whether the patient was admitted to the ICU, and hospital outcome. Hospital outcome was classified as “in hospital”, “discharged alive”, or “died in hospital”, and was censored at 120 days after the audit date.
For the purposes of this study, the term “continuous IV fluid therapy” was defined as the ongoing administration of IV fluids not related to the correction of acute hypovolemic states or the administration of medications.
ผลลัพธ์ (
แอฟริกา) 1:
Ek is mal vertaling van die primêre uitkoms maatreëls is die persentasie van die pasiënte ontvang deurlopende IV vogterapie, en besonderhede van vog toediening monitering. Monitering van vloeistof administrasie was bepaal deur die gebruik van 'n vogbalanskaart, dokumentasie van die liggaam gewig in die voorafgaande 24 h. en meting van serum elektroliete (natrium, kalium, chloried, koeksoda) en nier funksies sie (kreatinien, ureum) in die 24 h voor die oudit. Ons het ook die tipe en koers van die laaste drie IV vloeistof flesse voorgeskryf. slotte. , ons beoordeel of die pasiënt is toegelaat tot die ICU, en Hospitaal uitkoms. Hospitaal uitkoms is geklassifiseer as "in die hospitaal", "ontslaan lewe", of "in die hospitaal dood", en is Censored by 120 dae na die Oudit Datum.
Vir. die doeleindes van hierdie studie, is die term "deurlopende IV vogterapie" gedefinieer as die deurlopende administrasie van IV vloeistowwe nie verband hou met die regstelling van akute hipovolumiese state of die administrasie van medikasie.
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