The discovery of salt pond
.Oh for the discovery of salt pond at the Royal pond The story passed on as follows. Originally, these areas is ป่าดงพงไพร, no people live there swamps the animals. Like to eat the water in the swamp is.And that the animals some water here. When you know that salty. The news reach the ruler and the ruler read pond. So invited to brine by both 2 him up in on top of the hill ภูจั Wu.The ruler phukha javelin to fall to the west of the river Mang The location of the current ruler Howe pond. The javelin to fall to the west of the river Mang Across the water at the location of the capital one tower currently people watch to see that the spear.The ritual to repay you all 2 him every year after the 2 he thought would bring คนที่ไหน came. When discussing then went to fetch the county.Hi salt pond to see current. The mouth of Bo Kru with wood block is a former nun non stable well their dam city said, when his mother as a child. Ruler of the city sent people to build a wood pond edgeThe use of wood in the middle embankment collapsed hollow wear only at that time, I have helped to draw water to feed those who ทำการก่อสร้าง there.
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