The traditions are the sky.History/milestones A "handful" of people in provincial Thailand Festival is people were living in abiding. Since ancient times. "Set" in the language of the people of Thailand, respect and pay homage to the sacrifice of so. Handful attributed to respect tradition. Pay homage to the worship of the sky Because the people of the people of ethnic groups, is agriculture, especially the occupation of farming. In traditional farming rely on rain water from nature. Farmer in the sky, and then be very afraid. Do not dare to do anything to anger sky. If the blue wrath shall mean starvation or arid skies may be operative in the dead. The people feared to have been suffering from the disasters of the sky spirits are spirits revered worship ghosts in the sky to be blue to anger, or in other words. The occupations of the villagers are farmers. The sense of feeling in his Ghost in the sky, rain means water moisture. An abundance of animal life and vegetation of different traditions. a handful more to curry favor with the Ghost in the sky, no anger and show appreciation towards God or spirit of a blue sky, yada operates it.Define the job. Such a handful that tradition among the people of the district were still wholesome rice noodles are amongst the people of banphuan every province across the country. Each region will determine the date and time is expected to move to the time period of the month of the AI tends to rise 14 13th month dinner and 3.3 this is the night of the rope in each region. Originally, the only people who usually equate with those who heard the sound of Thunder for the first time in three months, as the day began, but a handful cling along the problem in this dispute that the same hearing people are not hearing is a mind that is annoying. To hear the Thunder for the first time in three months that the sky turned home by makkwan Bratu (village chief) will equate to the sound of hearing people in the village. To the sound of Thunder, it really is until people can hear each other.The details can be checked at Event/ceremonyThe people were ready to perform the same activity during the handful there is. That omission from job 1 at all practices. Secondly I enjoyed 2 Thirdly the ceremony 3 Baisri worship area and sought blessings from the gods announced the heal of the sky or ghost yada sky. According to tradition, the "raw ripe date" is the date to prepare with your 2 month 3 of those maid help any pun (kanom jeen) kralan. Rice, char to the spirits, ghosts in the sky. The burning tip is made in kralan measure approximately 3:00 p.m. Chanting monks to grow cold. At the ceremony, the marquee in the village elders who have knowledge of the liturgy will be served prakonphithi Brahmin baisri pick. Ancestral beings yada And read the announcement brought as offerings to spirits coming to recognize rituals. There are some dance blessing from the sky finished and were parted back home. Falls the night before going to bed. Those old men to remove the wood to knock the fireplace laeoklao speech is sacred in the melody, the Ghost in the sky. The ghost house. The ghost house, helping preserve the family defended, there is enough there to sample food abundance.A morning clutching everyone rushed home early but wake. The sweet smell of home cooking mom put on the deck to the temple was. Phra enjoyed kralan. I give everything when monks rice is ready. People are bowling, dining together. Fall time afternoon to evening and night with traditional carnival, such as tapping Mick pawn Seng Klong. To dance to dance about Nang Kwak Dong Mrs. For the Sabbath to dance to dance she is playing at about the Séance singing traditional literature spirit. In the days everyone will stop one day from Sunrise until sunset, "the iron hoe hoe must tell the Gong hit?" (=,, = hoe handles) is to enter China, people are facing the lightning in thunderstorms be exerted on this pet is not in use. Do not send a sensational noise, who is believed to be in violation of FAA sanctions. After clutching (3 month) to 7 days, there will be a half day, clutching from half day to five days, it's considered a "handful" (= finished). Today, the villagers will be catering to the King after bringing the combustible firewood dun dun 1 ceremony at the River, called the "dry waste" by dropping the combustible firewood, dun, flowing along the stream as they commemorate various sacred battle chest it is said unto all beings from the sky that the ghost zone are yada sky.Best traditions are present sky. Old man who has never been seen as one of the handful in the past traditions amid natural surroundings are truly different audio mourns the meaning behind the interest affected Mick Board. Sound lamphuan sound of laughter fun head to Cancun, adidas, which I find is not at present, but by the tradition of days handful, but after one has ceremony clutching by application of the method of the era. There is a blue remembrance events are. Have a get-together party at the sound of music? The demo is shown. The traditional folk day with hosts based on the original. Some events in the parks There are various marasop to supply revenue to charities such as school health practice. Sanitary station bridge Temple Hall, etc., although these days handful have traditionally vary very much. The Club was established in the village, the people were to gather together to promote conservation, rehabilitation of the banphuan culture, remain for generations and foreigners foreign language learning to the people's well-being in the original count, particularly beneficial to society.
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