Increasing in ค่าซ่อมแซม-งานโครงการ ค่าความเสียหาย (account code 540130) from Q3'2015 amount 0.54 MB has the most reason from the Co. was up for อาคาร50 ปีมข. Amounting 0.68 MB in Sep'16
Increasing the value in repair-project damage (account code 540130) from Q3 ' 2015 amount has the most reason 0.54 MB from the Co. was up for building 50. 0.68 MB in year Amounting in Sep '. 4.
Increasing in repair costs - project. Damage (account code 540130) from Q3'2015 amount 0.54 MB has the most reason from the Co. was up for 50 years at the plant. Amounting 0.68 MB in Sep'16.