Documents required are as follows:1. certificate of the company including the purpose, age not over 1 month.2. a copy of the list of shareholders of the company (BOT, 5) age not exceeding 1 month.3. I know. Detailed descriptions of all of the company's business.4. obtain details the history of the/Profile company, please inform that how many people the company has all the employees. How many representatives each category there are a number of times and have to hire employees from other establishments or outsource it? View all documentation.5. If employees exceeded 100 people asked for a copy of the document to recruit people with disabilities to work within the company and ask for a copy of a document that is filed with the Department of skill development in every issue of every year.6. may I see a wage record, OT, vacation work values, wage and salary. 7. ask to see a document that reflects the internal structure of/Organization charge.8. certificate of the BOI and the case with amendments to those documents show attached.9. a copy of the license for all kinds of companies.10. copy of the work permit of foreign employees working for everyone within the company.11. a copy of the lease if rent places and all factory original.12. a copy of the receipt. Every year. If the company is responsible for payment of tax land and housing values.13. a copy of the receipt. Every year. In case of a company to pay for the company's various labels.14. the minutes of the company for the first time. 15. articles of Association 16. copies of the company's shareholders ' register from the beginning till now.17. the report of the meeting of the extraordinary general meeting of the company, and every. 18. the document, a copy of the newspaper announced the case had been referred to each meeting (every time)19. cc: mail notification document called shareholders meetings every time.20. the document, a copy of the post Office's response to the meeting request each time (every time)21. get detailed work scope of the Adminstration Department, HR Department, Sale & Marketing Department, Health Environment and Safety Department, a Department that Factory is responsible for doing what. Coverage groups (ReqGroup) form. For detailed information, including if there is a specific regulation applicable documents of the departments mentioned above, requesting that access to these documents.22. ask whether the company has been sued as a defendant or a plaintiff to sue others as plaintiffs or or not. If there is a copy of the document, please send them along with him, stating that the current one (the name and contact number) is responsible for such cases.23. may I see a copy of each NOTICE documents alleged by the company or is any claims (if any), a copy of every document available to indicate that the current one (the name and contact number) is responsible for such cases.24. may I see the resignation document employee, employee dismissal request or file copy.25. ask for a copy of the regulations to work within the company. 26. may I see a copy of the employee's employment contract (in cases where the employment contract is the same for everyone, he says, we came up with, whether it is the same with everyone, just change ชื่ตำแหน่ง and please send some sample per 5 issue, in cases where an employee has a different individual, send a copy of the employee's contract of employment for each of the 5 original.27. may I see an employee manual (if applicable).28. I know how to recruit employees, documentation.29. I know how an employee is offered with documentation.Note: 1. the entire document please sent within 10 days/2/2015.2. the appeal by a document according to the requested number and if any document is not returned, please come by the number of the document that there is no reason not to look or anything. Thank you for your cooperation in checking with us is extremely.
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