The wedding ceremony of the Brunei people consists of several important ceremony ceremony ceremony, such as ring ceremony on the rate of Al, LOH and anointing ceremony. Ring the groom will give two rings to The bride's family, the first ring shows the intention to get married bride, while another ring หนึ่งใช้ for an engagement ring for an oath to Allah that arrange to. Agree to live with the bride in front of all those people. Then there will be the anointed by the parents, relatives, friends and guests. To bless the couple by anointing it with wax is made from.Color mixing flour and oils, Philippines (The Philippines) marriage of Filipino is a ceremony by a priest in Christianity. On the first day the couple to go. Religious house for the ceremony, which will be retired wedding on containers of rice The next day a rituals for marriage, such as the blood by taking blood from the chest area of a little mixed with water. Then the couple will be announced. The love of two three times. The priest will enter the cooked rice to the wedding. And drinking water mixed blood of the bride and groom, then the priest will use a thread tied hand and neck binding relations both with the love of the โดยถือเป็น announced that both husband and wife.By right. This marriage customs and traditions are upheld among Filipinos all over the world.The source.
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