When the Las Villas nature of General unrest in Myanmar, it is also a continuing, while Mrs. ngasan of Izu g still are watching quietly. Students, people still gather to call for democracy But it was the severe repression from the military. Mrs. Ongsan Suchi It has decided to write a letter to seal opening. Urged the establishment of an independent Committee to prepare the general elections but did not get a repeat of military leader closely, Liao leaders back military establishment of State regulation Rehabilitation Council (The State Law and Order Restoration Council: SLORC) up instead and have made against murder and shoes.Oppose serious Writing letters to open the time Suu Kyi's seal can be considered as a joint political action is the first of her. An important reason that Mrs. Ongsan Suchi The decision to join the democratic claim because it was their feeling that his father had been taking part in a call for freedom to Burma, while the present when receiving the freedom and the power continues to fall into the hands, only one group of people did not adhere to the democratic powers ought to be public.
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