Food today.The current mess of people is very different from the past, both in the food that lasted for some people, but how you eat, eat all day, all night. The behavior is the same as the chicken he opened fire to light it all day all night hen it all day all night. Make it grow quickly. Shepherd will be sold soon. See, like the current one at all I will still see abundant late had people sit to eat sit in to eat, go back to bed wake done, begin to eat later.The food that we ate was full of toxic pesticides that contaminate the food because we use chemical fertilizer, chemical pesticides too many bodies of people, so we rolled. Toxic substances. If we have a driving system for venom body that is. The body will still be happy, but when you have such a system, it could cope when it will feel. Over time, the disease would arrive from the rash, allergy skin diseases. Diabetes, clogged artery pressure and fatigue pain and fatigue the body, this is the message.When our body is a disease or symptom that is unusual, there is toxic in our body. We need to remove the venom out, that there are many many ways to clear the toxin. By means of fasting, drinking water or fruit juice, vegetable, edible herbal steam steam but the exercise. Massage and Detox intestine or Park.Animals eat meat, there is a short straight intestines and smooth. With a length of 3 times the range and there is more salt used digestive acids. Animals eat the plants up to 10 times greater than the concentration up to 20 times longer and therefore the animals eat meat, so it takes a long time and no body to drive the Sub out of the body quickly, because a short intestine, but we have almost 30 feet long, like the intestines with intestines of animals eating plants by 23 feet long, small intestine, and the colon is about 5 feet long, if the growth will increase in the long water, the animal eating a lot of preservatives, semitransparent shade.So if we eat meat into. We have a full release. If we're not good digestion, and rotten meat, though, and if the Sub if we don't eat vegetables, or their food fiber. To excrete it would take 5-10 days, but I imagine that space in your body, we almost 10 days it will rot rotten? Usually just the first two days it was a rotten day. When it is in the gut, gut, remove toxic waste is absorbed into the blood stream and it is pending in the colon, we for a long time. We shall increasingly toxic.Indicates that a given human nature, we eat more meat-eating plants noticeably, because Bush is a monkey in the same rotkhong not eat vegetables, fruit, monkey, Tiger is tiger parts will eat meat, don't eat fruit if people eat far more of its own nature, is even more sick.Those very constipated for several days to shoot, it's hot as a fever body is hot because she's packed Chair while toxic substances. Summer is also the past Chair like a fireplace is located beneath the Chair is a disease ritsiduang, demanding testers lol. In addition to ritsiduang and acne blemish skin abscess disease transmitters hut, which is caused by toxins. In particular, if the constipation is a major reason until someone said, "what was the disease, which is caused by constipation." The guidelines present medicine has forgotten the principles of traditional medicine with an emphasis on the importance of people with nature. Highlight the importance of food on the body and mind. Emphasis on prevention rather than treatment, so most of the time, but most of the time invented a chemical medicines and treatment technology and complicated surgery, which is one of two sharp sword is sharp compared the killing germs and another one coming back, reflecting a sharp assault the human body itself.
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