Politics, law 4
.Although the king 4 shall have royal absolute power according to the monarch in absolute monarchy. But he also began to adjust the performance of something. In order to benefit the people.During the reign of 4 consider some traditional ever practiced originally, such as prohibiting the people to close the bullet time her and forced the doors and windows of houses A tradition that is obsolete.There is no right cuts the tradition. So please, cancel the tradition. Allow people to more conveniently and the opportunity for those who have suffered petition complaint while her with
later in the reign of king 5 5 when he come of age in the 2416 and governor himself. He started to improve the rule which is called "political reform"
1.Administrative reform in the reign of 5 is divided into 2 phases
1.The government of the country 1 flap cook in early days. He established the Council of state, or called "Council of state" (Council of State) and the Council of consultants in him, or called. "Pre V Council" (Privy Council).As well as to cancel the ancient traditions. That is suitable to society in those days, it appears that the Council 2 operation away for long. Came to a halt because of serious events called "front palace crisis."
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