Buddhist Lent or articulates One day, an important day for Buddhists in Thailand. Since a three-month period ending temple of Theravada monks. On the day the priest will dedicate their ranks round today. Lent by (A pun on one rainy season) will meet on the 15th lunar month 11 (around October) after three months follow the lunar calendar, Lent Thailand
is a Buddhist. As they follow the discipline for the clergy, especially the so-called "commitment" is a type of motion declaration tag. The discipline is determined by the law given to monks at the temple are common throughout the quarter can monitor and point defects are equal to each other. With a spirit of mutual goodwill. To be a priest who warned the opportunity to recognize their shortcomings and deficiencies can be corrected to improve for the better
when the end of Buddhist Lent. Buddhists an opportunity to enter the temple to make merit to monks at the temple and we intend to act as a rainy day in this quarter. And the day following the first day of Lent (RAM first lunar month 11) Buddhist monks in Thailand also hit the big time called devo devo or Road Becket. To commemorate important events in Buddha said. The next day, one day Lent. Buddha has come down from your place of worship Buddha's mother returned from heaven in the seven years to come to Vegas metropolitan city property along with the display turned the whole world Revelation miracle three by
addition. Lent is the period since the waning days of the first lunar month to the 11th day of the 15th lunar month is the 12th time the Vinaya Theravada Buddhist. A time when Buddhists in Thailand to participate in charitable work in the annual Buddhist temples are considered by the charitable work that has great merit one.
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