รวมค่าส่งให้ฉันได้หรือไหม ถ้าฉันสั่งซื้ิอดินสอกด rotring หลายแบบ 1.10 x Rotring TIKKY Pencils 0.5 PASTEL RED New 2.10 x Rotring TIKKY Pencils 0.5 PASTEL GREEN New
Do I have to charge it or? If I order multiple rotring pencil1.10 x Rotring TIKKY Pencils 0.5 PASTEL RED New2.10 x Rotring TIKKY Pencils 0.5 PASTEL GREEN New
Total cost to me or not. If I order Sืgi the pencil rotring many tikky Pencils Rotring 01.10 x 0.5 PASTEL RED New tikky Pencils Rotring 2.10 x 0.5 PASTEL GREEN New.
Include shipping for me? If I order you to pencil Rotring several 1.10 x Rotring TIKKY Pencils 0.5 PASTEL RED New 2.10 X. Rotring TIKKY Pencils 0.5 PASTEL GREEN New.