People are equal under the law
principle of Roman law is the importance of the rights of individuals. Everyone will get equal equality under the law does not torture suspects to obtain confessions, including the accused is considered innocent as long as it can not be proven wrong even slaves were protected by the law of slavery. Slaves have the right to claim compensation in case of not getting a fair boss. Effective legal system and a Roman these become templates. International law
, legal equality means equal rights under the law. The definition includes legal processes affecting the overall population since the legislation must be for the benefit of the citizens equally. Law enforcement and the judiciary must be equally fair to all citizens. To be protected equally under the law. Including the protection of the law to create equal opportunities with
the principle of equality. To consider Are the same or different from one person treats another person or not. Holding the principle of "same subject matter such as operating procedures," there is a need to consider the person to be compared Everyone shall have the right and freedom in the Universal Declaration. Regardless of race, sex, language, religion unlike any political or other opinion, national or social origin. Marital property or other rights of citizenship and political rights there. Certified as Not everyone has a right to live. Freedom and security Freedom from slavery or slaves serve. Freedom from torture Or cruelly punished The right to be recognized as persons under the law. Receive equal protection under the law. Freedom from arrest, detention or exile arbitrary. Have the right to move to the wrong place. The right to a nationality Including the right to marry and have families as economic, social and cultural rights such as the right to live under social security. The right to work The right to rest and leisure time. The right to a standard of living is high enough to provide health care. And well-being The right to be educated and participate in the cultural life of the community and called on member states of the UN to help promote and ensure respect for the rights. Freedom, as it appears in the Universal Declaration accordingly. The emphasis is on human rights. The UN General Assembly voted on December 4, 1950, the date of December 10 of each year. As Human Rights Day worldwide
Equality can also be categorized according to the type of enforcement,
the equality of individuals under the law,
the law refers to the constitutional law of the legislature. And the law of the management with Government must respect the principle of equality under the law, any act of justice if released without respect to such core. Sue may be revoked because it is illegal in France. Equality under the law is the main party of the traditional common law principles. Equality which was subsequently extended to other major equality
addition, the equality under the law. The principle also extends to respect the laws of their own set up under this principle. Commitment to the administrative rules they create. By order of their individual out must not violate the rules, which they defined as a general principle. Foreign court The adoption by general The court ruled that for Thailand I have to admit that the general principles of law. Government must respect the rules as they are created in
the equality of all people to work in government agencies
about the equality of individuals working in government agencies. This has not been guaranteed in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand BE 2550 but must be regarded as one of the main principles of equality. In France, the This core has been declared in the Declaration of Human Rights 1789, that "all citizens are equal under the law and (...) have equal rights in the workplace, according to a person's ability. By not defining features that are not about the ability of the individual, "
the State Council, France. Had been filed about the dispute to qualify for the position. High levels of the Ministry of War The facts in this case The Ministry has issued a Decree. The reserves position of senior ministry personnel to man only. It was argued that female personnel Such a decree is contrary to the principle of equality of individuals working in government agencies, which the Council of State ruled essentially that. Women have the ability to work legally in that report directly to the central government. But the Ministry of Justice was able to determine the qualifications required for the job in any position in the Ministry may impose restrictions or guidelines for getting people into work is promoted. Only personnel have promoted women If such restrictions are necessary for the function that the determination must have a reason to listen to that required for a position that is not caused by other reasons,
the equality of all people to receive public services
major. extend equality to the public service of the people with this principle of equality. That forced the governing party Must provide the individual with the same material in the same manner under. The same rules But this principle does not prohibit the administration to provide services to people who are different in nature. In different aspects such as the Council of State ruled that France had. School students outside the path of the shuttle students. A status different from that of students in their school district's bus routes. Shuttle Service When considered in terms of access Brit.
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