Financial statement analysis is a financial tool that one format is used to bring executives will be aware of the company's financial status by reflects the company's liquidity requirements. The financial risk, the ability to continue past these data, which will be taken as part of the planning. The operation in the future. At the same time, in the past, these data will be updated based on the various factors that are expected to occur which require. How to forecast financial affairs management's judgment and A financial forecast is something that executives need to give is very important because it will lead to more efficient planning and company objectives. The format of the work plan will vary according to the purpose and duration of the operation. Financial forecast. Weather is the starting point of the plan is to use mathematical tools, including statistics and historical data to predict financial items is expected to occur in the future, and the conductivity. The received data to use in planning for future operations.Balance Sheet refers to the statement of the financial position of a business at any one day, according to accounting principles generally accepted, which will indicate whether there are assets, liabilities, and owner's equity? Details to display the asset on the balance sheet liquidity will sort by cash will have the highest liquidity because it can pay its debt sooner than other assets. The balance sheet of any parties will only show the financial position. It's not about the financial position of the owner where the owner is a private asset may be having, such as bank deposits and other assets, a car or a House, but those assets considered as personal assets. This is the core assumptions or concepts of the report considered separately from parties who owns. สินทรัพย์ = หนี้สิน + ส่วนของเจ้าของกิจการ(ทุน) หรือกิจกรรมลงทุน = กิจกรรมจัดหาเงินทุน
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