I think the country Thailand with Laos. There are several things that a lot of the same, or similar, for example,Speaking of the Lao language uses the same language as the language of the country in North-East Thailand. But some of the terminology is not identical or similar. The Lao people will listen to the people of Thailand, Thailand language that has ever been to Laos may be confused with the language a little, because they are not accustomed to, and rarely listen to often. Foods Cook most types of coconut oil to use spices, spice flavors by our country in Southeast Asia, Thailand is a country of many colors see mouthwatering flavors, spicy hot that taste of Thailand with Laos does not differ much hip.I impressed with the cuisine of Laos with a variety of spices, food and food selection in his famous "Pho" is also known as a food is very delicious, but the renowned House is the noodles. The difference, it is that the line be use are not the same. Make out the taste is not the same spices in cooking noodles and the better. From the bus passed in Laos, it is obvious that the beer Lao in Laos, because the time to I see advertising of beer Lao, there is full. Whether it be a restaurant or a place to have a beer Lao, sold almost every shop.
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