How to grow lettuce, whitePlanting Planting lettuce cabbage, there are 2 ways how to grow by any method will be selected, but convenient and appropriate. As follows: 1. a direct sowing cultivation Sow the seed distributed by converting both of which this method is suitable for planting the seed that has a price. And in the central region at plaengkwang there is a ditch. The seeds should be sown, sown the uniform distribution. They are typically mixed vegetable seeds that degenerated or sand and then. Size is as much down to make uniform distribution better. Using manure or compost into a thick slash the sow at 0.5-1.0 cm to help maintain moisture. Clean dry straw covering finished with another layer, with pouring across the conversion. After the seedlings germinate and have a true 1-2 start to withdraw, has planted phase spacing between the rows and between the approx. 50x50 cm. 2. planting a row or hole A coin, seed row on row, the distance between the plantation by 50 centimetres deep dash away at 0.5-10.0 cm in a shallow pit or seeds down approx. 3-5 0.5 cm thick soil, remove seed, when the seedlings start to have an.To prepare the soil. 1. convert nurseries Should be a good vacation, plough for 5-7 days and then mash it with manure or compost that is much better then the decay to loosen. The sub soil, especially soil surface to prevent small seeds fall on the ground when planted too deep in Wan by using the method. 2. the plantation Turnip cabbage grown in soil, but soil suitable soil is clay, it can be planted in a ruan but must make. Soil drainage can be good by digging or plowing, deep and 30 cm of soil to dry approximately Tak 7-10 days before scarifying, sub. Put manure down mash If the soil is salty soil harmless or lime should be put around 40 kg/Rai. To put the lime If the soil is a sandy soil, manure should be put to more. The rate used is approximately 1/2 Tin. Square meters, or if the fertilizer pellets, pig, chicken, duck, it put the rest down, reduce the amount of square meters each, 1 tin can mash together should. Planting Turnip cabbage like cold weather at appropriate temperature 15-20° c. If high temperatures are not wrapped or wrapped cabbage, cabbage is good quality, not loose. 2. cultivation of cabbage lettuce, but how convenient and appropriate. As follows: 1. a direct sowing cultivation Sow the seed distributed by converting both of which this method is suitable for planting the seed that are affordable, and especially in thong. The central region is the plaengkwang ditch. The seeds should be sown, sown the uniform distribution. They are typically mixed vegetable seeds that degenerated or sand and then. Size is as much down to make uniform distribution better. Using manure or compost into a thick slash the sow at 0.5-1.0 cm to help maintain moisture. Clean dry straw covering finished with another layer, with pouring across the conversion. After the seedlings germinate and have a true 1-2 start to withdraw, has planted phase spacing between trees and approximately 50 × 50 cm between rows. 2. planting a row or hole A coin, seed row on row, the distance between the plantation by 50 centimetres deep dash away at 0.5-10.0 cm in a shallow pit or seeds down approx. 3-5 0.5 cm thick soil, remove seed, when the seedlings start to have a real set of 2, to withdraw the remaining holes, each 1 split and split last withdrawal age should not exceed 30 days. Maintenance practices. 1. fertilization Because the cabbage leaves to eat vegetables, fertilizer should be the proportion is 2:1: 1 formula fertilizer such as 20-110-10 or nearby, this formula at the rate of about 80-150 kg/Rai depending on soil fertility by inserting 2 times is the first time as a fertilizer by half the amount of primer. Insert the second transplant episode when lettuce, topped by the above date, age 20, and then they long cabbage varieties for irrigation and wind tight retail should make nitrogen fertilizer such as urea or ammonium nitrate at a rate of 20-30 kg/Rai when the brave at the age of 30-40 days by sprinkling or above the sowing and watering, fertilizer, being careful not to immediately hold a burning leaves, 2. water. Turnip cabbage and much need water regularly. For use in growth throughout the growing season, so should provide enough water, especially in the distance into cabbage. 3. to loosen the soil and weeding The move should be treated after the Dare 2 weeks along with fertilizer and made to loosen about 2-3 times.
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