Spicy papaya salad with corn The ingredients. Corn 1 medium boiled ears of pod. Paprika 4-5 large beads 1 tbsp shredded cache wait thakhut Tomato 1 results 4-5 cloves garlic 1/2 tbsp sugar PIP 1 tbsp fish sauce 1 tbsp lime juice 2-3 pods and string beans How to make the. -Remove the corn soup, lamb or a slice of papaya salad prepared when removing the corn out, leading to the first. -Roasted Peppers, garlic, and just break and string beans, broken into pieces. -Seasoned with sugar, lime juice, fish sauce, and PIP (or direction), tasting, sweet and sour mouthful. -Corn tomato sliced halves, followed by California, wait a thakhut FOI mash together and draw from the mortar plate.
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