Early students was invalid because he and the English language itself, it was not good what students. In the first period, almost asleep, but the American Akita, the task is to make up a sentence within the allotted time. In that time, it was not really working? Finally, it must be sent. Even though it is charged, to a sentence that make up sentences that make up just to sueng 2-3 sentences, only more fear, but it was gone. The first idea was this study subjects have more. Which will make up a sentence. Match spoken sentence, but at a later time. It has changed from pressure become a samuk. Maheha culpable or even Adidas แอาจารณ์ chan in a fierce face of fear, but it seems to have learned so chan feels that adidas is very gentle, dari yonpai takes enough began developing the language, such as listening skills. Initially they did not? 50 50, because before now has been listening from the elementary school came to understand that the American at enough talk. Enough students to gradually start to understand more. Approximately 60 60 40 are already listening to understand. Section 40 is listening and understanding does not understand? Speaking skills. First to say but they are consecutively khat. Fair enough to say it to swallow. A lack of knowledge of the language, the more pronounced these words know what reading skills. The initial read., but there are some words that are read in sequence. Enough to read it out. Enough to get more vocabulary writing skills. Initially writing rarely say or write, not because of the bars themselves rarely know GSM is never make a mistake writing writing-Mar was enough to start writing it, have a greater understanding of GSM-Mar. It is possible to write a valid skills, English Saint. Start first. There is no indication that this skill very much. To most, because it no longer has the courage, with powerful. Lack of confidence in themselves, to shine every sen came out badly. Enough to get a preview from our friends. Have the courage to go out. English Saint, but it does not have to return, at most, but it is still better than no philosophy.
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