Acta Histochemica 117 (2015) 624-628
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expression and distribution of liver tissue growth factor. (HGF)
and the (c-Met) in Alpacas (Vicugna Pacos)
film involving a white coat and brown
Xiuju Yu1, Xiaoyan he 1, Junbing Jiang Junping him, fans Ruiwen, Haidong Wang
Jianjun Geng Changsheng Dong.
College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Shanxi Agricultural Taigu, Shanxi, 030801, PR China
history article received March 19, 2015 was in the form of updated May 28, 2015 recognized the June 4, 2015 Keywords: HGF c -. Met Alpaca coat color skin bstract hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) / signaling the -Met has been considered a major pathway in the development and melanocyte. melanogenesis In order to understand better the forms of expression and tissue distribution characteristics of HGF and c are found in the skin, as opposed to brown alpaca (Pacos Vicugna) we detected the tissue distribution of HGF and c -Met using immunohistochemistry. And expression pattern analysis using the Western blot and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) immunohistochemistry. Analysis showed strong staining of HGF increase in dermal papilla mesenchymal cells of the skin and white alpaca compared to that of sugar. However, staining the -Met Showed very positive results, especially inhair. Matrix and root bark brown alpaca skin in the sun and the qPCR results indicated that HGF and c -Met was listed in significantly higher levels in white and skins alpaca. Brown, respectively, and protein and gene expression patterns in films like alpaca. White and Brown The results indicated that HGF / C-Met signaling functions in alpaca coat contributes to the theory underlying the need for further investigation of the role of HGF / C-Met signaling in the production of melanin. © 2015 Elsevier GmbH All rights reserved. Introduction in the adult animal fur color is based on the melanocytes produce pigment that limit the border with skin and transfer organelles. Melanin is. keratinocytes Nearby was pushed higher as they expand (Barsh 2007) melanocyte created two distinct types of melanin is yellow, red and black pheomelanins to eumelanins Brown (Ito. and Wakamatsu 2008 Pape et al., 2008) the synthesis of melanin is controlled by more than 350 genes in animals, including enzymes melanogenic. Transcription factors, hormones, neurotransmitters, cytokines and growth factors (Slominski et al., 2004 Yamaguchi and hear 2009 Montoliu et al., 2015) However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms controlling coat color in woolproducing. Animals have not been fully explained Alpacas are more than 22 natural coat color. Therefore, it is suitable for different types of studies on the mechanism of the corresponding author * Tel.: +86 354 628 9208; Fax: 86,354,628 9208. Email: (c Shandong) first authors contributed equally to the work. The coat color (Lupton et al., 2006 Mcgregor, 2006) Previous studies including those we conducted shows that color the enzyme is tyrosinase (Tyr), protein Tyrone. Single-related 1 (Tyrp1) tyrosinaserelated protein 2 (DCT) and critical factors which include the melanocortin-1 protein (MC1R) inducible nitric oxide synthase micropthalmia. Associated transcription factor (MITF) solute carrier family 7 11 (Slc7a11) and -catenin is stimulation of melanogenesis in alpaca and agouti signaling protein (ASIP) miR-25 and miR-137 is an inhibitor of. melanogenesis in alpaca (Feeley and Munyard 2009, Zhu 2010 Chandramohan 2013 Cobra, 2012, Xue et al., 2014). Although the role of many genes controlling coat color in mice, dogs, cats and sheep have been confirmed (Kaelin and. Barsh 2013, Fan et al., 2013, Storm 2009 Montoliu et al., 2015) minimal knowledge on the potential role of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) / c -Met signaling in the form of hair color. alpaca HGF is a polypeptide growth factors include heavy and light chains linked by disulfide bonds; The receptor for HGF is a 145 kDa protein that is active kinase tyrosine, is a product of the c-Met Pro oncogene (a Hirobe et al., 2004) in the normal current value found in epithelial cells. and melanocytes 0065-1281 / 2015 © Elsevier GmbH All rights reserved. X. Yu et al, / Acta Histochemica 117 (2015) 624-628 625 control many aspects of melanocyte function in response to HGF, which is upregulated by ultraviolet (rays UV) exposure in keratinocytes and fibroblasts (. Mildner 2007 Soong 2012). In normal melanocytes HGF / C-Met signaling has been observed to play a role not only for survival, proliferation and differentiation of melanocyte precursors, but also melanogenesis. The control terminal and MITF (Costa 1999 McGill 2006 Cheli et al., 2010). Although previous evidence has suggested that HGF / C-Met is a function of development and control melanocyte. melanogenesis, expression and localization of HGF / C-Met in Alpacas have not been fully explained. In this study, we observed the translation of HGF / C-Met protein within the skin tissue. immunohistochemistry And analyze the evidence and its protein expression levels in the skin of Alpacas white and brown. The study found that HGF / c signal -Met. There may be a function of controlling coat color in melanogenesis and Alpacas. Materials and methods Animals and tissue collection housing and care Alpacas. And skin samples were used in the experiments had been conducted according to international principles to biomedical research involving animals (http :. //www.cioms CH / 1985 texts frame guidelines.htm). and approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of the University of Shanxi Agricultural Taigu, China Three pieces of skin harvested from the leg of each alpaca (3 white and brown 3) 8 mm (punch biopsy Miltex, Japan) biopsies. Two were immediately stored in liquid nitrogen for RNA and protein extraction and three biopsy is fixed in a solution of 4 ◦C Bouin 24 hours and then washed extensively in ethanol from 70% to. The sample is fixed on dehydrated in a series of ethanol slowly (85%, 95% and 100%), cleared in xylene and embedded in paraffin wax. The tissue (5? M.) Is prepared and mounted onto 2% 3 aminopropyltriethoxysilane. Coated slides for immunocytochemistry translation of the HGF and c -Met. Immunohistochemistry and found in the skin of HGF rabbit polyclonal anti-HGF (or -Met) antibody was used for local education. All incubations were performed at room temperature. The skin takes
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