Java better helicopters and used the same train carnage and seizure comes Brian Ramsey team escaped using automobiles, Ramsey-eyes gods return man. At the same time. DOM and Shaw had to fight each other to the parking lot. The event saw the wreck by hop in the Jacuzzi, it's out of the hospital, but to help a team of DOM and Brian. After defeating Shaw DOM was driving took up about a helicopter blast bag Java well. Before the agreement, many rathaek to cause injury and coma to DOM. The use of guns, shooting bags, hop the bomb works, make the letter bombs hit the helicopters. Fans of the teams rushing balls into DOM and DOM DOM restore consciousness after passing the letter sounds that their memories back.After these events, Shaw was confined in prison hop secret high security. Part of the sea as well. Break out the DOM and then drove along the road, but I see Brian drive against the side. The time interval in the past as well and he has adventures with Brian. Before he and Brian are driving separately to a different path.
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