unit food about food 5 mu
1 purpose. Classification and grouped food group,
2. Develop muscle digest and collaboration between hand and eye
activities and experience
. IntroductionThe child tell the food eaten in the morning
1 teaching stage. The children and teachers together to chat 5 among main food, including 1. Meat, milk and eggs Protein 2. Rice, flour, sugar, carbohydrates 3. Vegetables, minerals 4. Various fruit vitamin 5Butter oil fat by teachers who take charge. "5 food group." come in 2 buttons
The teacher brought fried rice with pork to disassemble as staple food 5 among children to see is, cucumber, tomato, minerals and vitamins in rice flour carbohydrates Pork is meat protein, oil used to fry fat
3The teacher divided into 4 group and distribute food to the 1 type Let each child group disassemble along food 5 group Then check the conclusion 1 together
The teacher brought charts. "Food 5 Massacre". Then review the benefits of each food group together
2.? The children see the image in the series of activities learning environment around, kindergarten 3 3 book page 1 and paint a picture matching the foodLearning media
1. Chart "food 5 moo"
2. Fried rice, and different types of foods 4 type
3. Activities learning surroundings Kindergarten 3 books 3 page 1
1 evaluation. Observation of the conversation and answer questions about the food 5 mu
2Observation of the separation of the food in the food 5 mu
3.? Check the paint a picture matching among food
the purpose of taste 1. Know how to taste. และจำแนก flavors,
2.? Write a monosyllabic easily
Activity and experience introduction
volunteers out about foods like different 1 type
1 teaching stage. Children to taste different types of foods that teachers bring The soup boiled bitter melon syrup saline crisp pastry, spicy, lime juice and the teacher asked the children as
- children's food taste taste what
- What kinds of food that tastes like a children's food taste
2The teacher took charge. "The taste" with vocabulary flavors such as sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter, and different types of foods such as chili, coffee, lemonade spin Bread and butter, ice cream show and volunteers out on food quality, the vocabulary on chart
3Kids and teachers validate in addiction images on the charts together
. Conclusion 1 child and teacher to conclude together about the various flavors, food tastes different Such as: sweet, sour, salty, spicy, and bitter
2The children see the image in the series of activities learning environment around, kindergarten 3 books 3 2 page and write in the blanks to match the taste of the food in the
media learning
1Different types of foods (boiled soup gourd, syrup, brine, crispy snack spicy lemon juice). "The taste" 2 chart
3. Food pictures of various types (paste Coffee, lemonade, spinning, bread and butter, ice cream)
3The learning environment around, kindergarten 2 2 book page 2
1 evaluation. Observation of the conversation and answer questions about the taste of different types of foods On the taste
2. Observations from addiction to food pictures of various types on the charts
3Check the work of writing in the blanks to match the taste of the food in
the purpose of cooking 1. Know how to cook, and link the relationship between how to cook and food cooked and
2Develop muscle digest and collaboration between hand and eye
activities and experience introduction 1The teacher food soup bean curd with minced pork fried mackerel and food show Discussion about how to cook and share various (fried boiled stew, fried)2. Children and teachers to raise children that conclusion of any type of food has the most points (minced pork soup with bean curd)
ขั้น teaching
1. Children observe and introduce the components to do "Tofu soup with minced pork." together
2The teacher explained the procedure of minced pork soup with bean curd by charts "How to make tofu soup with minced pork"
3. Kids and teachers together to do tofu soup with minced pork step by step The children pick up the composition teacher put down put in boiler soup
4Kids and teachers eat tofu soup with minced pork together
. Conclusion 1 child and teacher to conclude together about cooking raw food is cooked to be eaten And how to cook, there are several types, such as fried boiled stew, fried
2The children see the image in the series of activities learning environment around, kindergarten 2 2 book page 3 and ตัดภาพ below Martin fell in correctly
media learning
1. Food pictures of various types (boiled, fried, stew, fried)
2The chart. "How to make tofu soup with pork chops" and parts in making tofu soup with minced pork
3. ชุดกิจกรรม learning surroundings Kindergarten 3 books 3 page 3
1 EvaluationObservation of the conversation about cooking various ways (fried boiled stew, fried)
2. Observations from do tofu soup with minced pork, 3
Check the work cutting down in the picture below on correctly
1 food to benefit the purposeKnow and tell the advantages of various types of food,
2. Develop muscle digest and healing สัมพันธ์ระหว่าง hand and eye
activities and experience
I bring introduction charts. "Food 5 moo" show and review about the share different
Direct instruction
1The teacher the children healthy body (the 1 meat, milk and eggs) children's Sport (the 2 rice flour and sugar) children excrete easily (the 3 vegetables) The child looks good on the skin (4 various fruits) and child health (the 5 butter oil)And children together guess kids in each image as the benefits of food among any
2. Kids and teachers to solve together The teacher is a visual image of flip after the food properly
3. Teachers bring "salad". And the children chat together about components and the benefits of vegetable salad
4Children to eat vegetable salad together And help clean the classroom after eating is
1 conclusionConclusion children and teachers together about the benefits of different types of foods, such as help the body excrete growth strong, convenient, immunity disease
2The children see the image in the series of activities learning environment around, kindergarten 3 3 book page and write down 4 in picture of useful learning materials, food
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