หนังสือสัญญาระหว่างนายหน้า สัญญาฉบับนี้ทำขึ้นเมื่อวันที่.............. การแปล - หนังสือสัญญาระหว่างนายหน้า สัญญาฉบับนี้ทำขึ้นเมื่อวันที่.............. อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

หนังสือสัญญาระหว่างนายหน้า สัญญาฉบั


สัญญาฉบับนี้ทำขึ้นเมื่อวันที่..................เดือน...................................................พ.ศ. ...................
ณ ที่บ้านเลขที่...................ถนน..........................................ตรอก/ซอย......................................................
ระหว่าง บุคคลที่ 1.............................................................อายุ............ปี อยู่ที่บ้านเลขที่................................
และ บุคคลที่ 2...............................................................อายุ..............ปี อยู่บ้านเลขที่....................................
อำเภอ/เขต.............................................จังหวัด.......................................................ซึ่งต่อไปสัญญานี้เรียกว่า ผู้ให้สัญญา หรือ นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขาย
กับ ข้าพเจ้า..............................................................อายุ............ปี อยู่ที่บ้านเลขที่................................
คู่สัญญาทั้งสองฝ่ายตกลงกันทำสัญญา มีข้อความดังจะกล่าวต่อไปนี้

ข้อ 1. นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขาย ตกลง จะทำหน้าที่เป็นตัวกลางในการเจรจาซื้อขายโรงแรมระหว่างนายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ซื้อ ซึ่งเป็นตัวแทน จาก ............................................................................................ กับเจ้าของโรงแรม หรือ ตัวแทนที่ได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของโรงแรม ดังรายละเอียดต่อไปนี้ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ข้อ 2. นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขายจะทำการเจรจา ซื้อขายโรงแรมดังกล่าวกับนายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ซื้อ เพื่อให้เจ้าของโรงแรมหรือตัวแทนที่ได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของโรงแรมได้เข้าทำสัญญากับผู้ซื้อโรงแรมตาม ข้อ1. จนเสร็จสิ้นแล้วนายหน้าฝั่งผู้ซื้อตกลงรับค่านายหน้า

ข้อ 3. หากนายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ซื้อสามารถขายทรัพย์ดังกล่าวข้างต้นได้ เนื่องจากผลแห่งการที่นายหน้าได้ชี้ช่องหรือจัดการให้นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขายได้ขายทรัพย์ ได้ในราคาไม่ต่ำกว่า.........................................บาท นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขายตกลงจ่ายเงินค่านายหน้าให้เป็นเงิน...........................................บาท (........................................................................................)
โดยตกลงจะชำระเป็นงวด ๆ ดังนี้
ก.ในวันที่มีการทำสัญญาจะซื้อจะขาย จะจ่ายให้เป็นเงิน..............................................................บาท
หรือตามอัตรา......................เปอร์เซ็นต์ ของจำนวนมัดจำที่ผู้ซื้อได้ชำระให้
ข. ในวันที่ผู้ให้สัญญาได้รับเงินครบถ้วนจากผู้ซื้อ ส่วนที่ยังค้างอยู่ทั้งหมด
ค. ในกรณีที่มีการจดทะเบียนซื้อขายกัน และ นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขาย ได้รับชำระเงินจากผู้ซื้อครบถ้วน
นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขาย จะชำระค่านายหน้าทันที่ หรือ ภายในสองวัน ในกรณีที่ผู้ซื้อชำระเป็นแคชเชียร์เช็ค
หรือ ดร๊าฟ
ข้อ 4. ในกรณีที่ นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ซื้อ ได้ค่านายหน้า จากผู้ซื้อ นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขายไม่ต้องชำระค่านายหน้า
ข้อ 5. ในกรณีที่นายหน้าสามารถขายทรัพย์ได้เกินหรือสูงไปกว่าราคาที่ตกลงในสัญญานี้ จำนวนเงิน
ส่วนเกินหลังจากที่หักค่าใช้จ่ายด้านภาษีอากรค่าธรรมเนียมการโอนกรรมสิทธิ์ และค่าธรรมเนียม ต่างๆ เกี่ยวกับการโอนเฉพาะส่วนที่เกิน จะต้องทำการแบ่งออกเป็นสามส่วน ดังต่อไปนี้
ส่วนที่หนึ่ง ผู้ทีได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของที่ดิน
ส่วนที่สอง นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขาย
ส่วนที่สาม นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ซื้อ

ข้อ 6. นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขายตกลงจะให้ค่าใช้จ่ายแก่นายหน้า เท่าที่จำเป็นสำหรับในกรณีที่หาผู้ซื้อมาทำสัญญาซื้อทรัพย์สำเร็จ เป็นเงินอีก.......................................บาท(...................................................................)

ข้อ 7. สัญญาฉบับนี้ให้มีผลบังคับใช้ตั้งแต่วันที่..............เดือน.....................................พ.ศ. ................
จนถึงวันที่...................เดือน........................................พ.ศ. .................หากนายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ซื้อยังไม่สามารถดำเนินการให้ผู้ซื้อมาทำสัญญาซื้อขายได้สำเร็จ ให้ถือว่าสัญญานี้เป็นอันเลิกกันโดยไม่จำต้องบอกกล่าว

ข้อ 8. ในกรณีที่นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ซื้อทำหน้าที่ผิดสัญญานายหน้า ทำให้นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขายเสียหายนายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขายสัญญามีสิทธิบอกเลิกสัญญาได้

ข้อ 9. ในระหว่างที่มีการเจรจาซื้อขายโรงแรมนี้ ถ้ามีการเจรจาซื้อขายโรงแรมอื่นด้วย โดยที่โรงแรมนั้นนั้น ได้มาจากกลุ่มบุคคลหนึ่งหรือกลุ่มหนึ่งที่นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขายแนะนำให้รู้จักกับฝ่ายผู้ซื้อ ซึ่งเป็นตัวแทน จากบริษัท............................................................................นายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ซื้อจะต้องเจรจาการซื้อขายโรงแรมทุกแปลงผ่านนายหน้าฝ่ายผู้ขายเท่านั้น จนกว่าจะสิ้นสุดกระบวนการซื้อขายของโรงแรมนั้น

สัญญานี้ทำขึ้นเป็น...............ฉบับ มีข้อความตรงกัน คู่สัญญาทั้งสองฝ่ายได้อ่านและเข้าใจดีตลอดแล้ว จึงลงลายมือชื่อไว้เป็นสำคัญต่อหน้าพยาน


จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The contract between the broker

. This contract made on the day of the... The... The... Months... To... The... The... The... The...... to... The... To... The...
. At home เลขที่......,... The road... The... The... The... The... The... Lane / alley to... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
sub -...To... To... To... The... The... The... The... Designated... --... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... Bangkok
between. The person 1... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley..........................................ตำบล/แขวง..................................................
และ EOS The person 2... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... At the age of... Of... Years. In บ้านเลขที่...... To...........................
อำเภอ/เขต.............................................จังหวัด.......................................................The next contract is the contract or commission the seller
. I... Is... The... The... To... The... The... The... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley... To... To... To... To... To... The...The district / county......... The... The... The... The....
district / county... To... To... To... To... The... The... Of... To... To... The...... to... The... The... The... Which is called the buyer brokerage ต่อไปสัญญาน

.The parties agreed to a contract. The following message

the 1. Seller agree to broker as an intermediary in negotiations between the buyer brokerage trading Hotel Which represent... From... To... The... The... The... The.................................................... กับเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS หรือ EOS ตัวแทนที่ได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS ดังรายละเอียดต่อไปนี้ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ข้อ 2.The broker the seller to negotiate! Such Hotels with the broker and traded buyer. To the hotel owner or authorized agent from the hotel owner has entered into the contract with the buyer as the 1 Hotel.Finish the buyer agreed to accept the Commission and brokerage

the 3.If a broker and the buyer can sell property as mentioned above. As a result of the recruiters have advise or manage to broker the seller sold the property. At a price not less than... Of... To... The... The... The...Million seller agreed to pay the Commission to the broker money... To... To... To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... To... To... To... The...))
by agreeing to pay annuities:
. A.In the contract to buy to sell. To pay money... The... The... To... To... To... The... The... The......)
or according to the rate of... Of...,...). The deposit that buyers pay
B.On the day the contract was the money intact from buyers. The unfinished business of all
C. In the case of a registered trading and brokerage, the seller received payments from buyers possesses
.The seller will pay the broker Commission immediately or within two days, in case the buyer pay เป็นแคช cheer check
or draft
an 4. In case. The buyer brokerage commission from the buyer the seller does not have to pay the broker Commission
.The 5. If the broker can sell the property more than or higher than the price agreed in the contract, the amount of money
.Excess after deduct taxation fee conveyancing and fees, related to specific transfer excess. To divide into three parts as follows:
.The first part the mandate from the landowner
the second broker seller
part three brokers and buyers

the 6.The Seller agrees to pay cost broker to broker. As far as necessary for case finding buyers signed to buy property successfully. Money is... To... The... The... The... To...) (... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...))

. The 7.This Agreement shall take effect from the day the... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... The... ...,...
until the day......... Months... To... The... The...... to... The... The... The...If a broker and buyers still cannot complete the buyer signed trading success. To treat the contract as broke up without must notice

the 8.The contract between the broker

. This contract made on the day of the... The... The... Months... To... The... The... The... The...... to... The... To... The...
. At home เลขที่......,... The road... The... The... The... The... The... Lane / alley to... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
sub -...To... To... To... The... The... The... The... Designated... --... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... Bangkok
between. The person 1... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley..........................................ตำบล/แขวง..................................................
และ EOS The person 2... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... At the age of... Of... Years. In บ้านเลขที่...... To...........................
อำเภอ/เขต.............................................จังหวัด.......................................................The next contract is the contract or commission the seller
. I... Is... The... The... To... The... The... The... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley... To... To... To... To... To... The...The district / county......... The... The... The... The....
district / county... To... To... To... To... The... The... Of... To... To... The...... to... The... The... The... Which is called the buyer brokerage ต่อไปสัญญาน

.The parties agreed to a contract. The following message

the 1. Seller agree to broker as an intermediary in negotiations between the buyer brokerage trading Hotel Which represent... From... To... The... The... The... The.................................................... กับเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS หรือ EOS ตัวแทนที่ได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS ดังรายละเอียดต่อไปนี้ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ข้อ 2.The broker the seller to negotiate! Such Hotels with the broker and traded buyer. To the hotel owner or authorized agent from the hotel owner has entered into the contract with the buyer as the 1 Hotel.Finish the buyer agreed to accept the Commission and brokerage

the 3.If a broker and the buyer can sell property as mentioned above. As a result of the recruiters have advise or manage to broker the seller sold the property. At a price not less than... Of... To... The... The... The...Million seller agreed to pay the Commission to the broker money... To... To... To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... To... To... To... The...))
by agreeing to pay annuities:
. A.In the contract to buy to sell. To pay money... The... The... To... To... To... The... The... The......)
or according to the rate of... Of...,...). The deposit that buyers pay
B.On the day the contract was the money intact from buyers. The unfinished business of all
C. In the case of a registered trading and brokerage, the seller received payments from buyers possesses
.The seller will pay the broker Commission immediately or within two days, in case the buyer pay เป็นแคช cheer check
or draft
an 4. In case. The buyer brokerage commission from the buyer the seller does not have to pay the broker Commission
.The 5. If the broker can sell the property more than or higher than the price agreed in the contract, the amount of money
.Excess after deduct taxation fee conveyancing and fees, related to specific transfer excess. To divide into three parts as follows:
.The first part the mandate from the landowner
the second broker seller
part three brokers and buyers

the 6.The Seller agrees to pay cost broker to broker. As far as necessary for case finding buyers signed to buy property successfully. Money is... To... The... The... The... To...) (... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...))

. The 7.This Agreement shall take effect from the day the... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... The... ...,...
until the day......... Months... To... The... The...... to... The... The... The...If a broker and buyers still cannot complete the buyer signed trading success. To treat the contract as broke up without must notice

the 8.The contract between the broker

. This contract made on the day of the... The... The... Months... To... The... The... The... The...... to... The... To... The...
. At home เลขที่......,... The road... The... The... The... The... The... Lane / alley to... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
sub -...To... To... To... The... The... The... The... Designated... --... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... Bangkok
between. The person 1... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley..........................................ตำบล/แขวง..................................................
และ EOS The person 2... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... At the age of... Of... Years. In บ้านเลขที่...... To...........................
อำเภอ/เขต.............................................จังหวัด.......................................................The next contract is the contract or commission the seller
. I... Is... The... The... To... The... The... The... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley... To... To... To... To... To... The...The district / county......... The... The... The... The....
district / county... To... To... To... To... The... The... Of... To... To... The...... to... The... The... The... Which is called the buyer brokerage ต่อไปสัญญาน

.The parties agreed to a contract. The following message

the 1. Seller agree to broker as an intermediary in negotiations between the buyer brokerage trading Hotel Which represent... From... To... The... The... The... The.................................................... กับเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS หรือ EOS ตัวแทนที่ได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS ดังรายละเอียดต่อไปนี้ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ข้อ 2.The broker the seller to negotiate! Such Hotels with the broker and traded buyer. To the hotel owner or authorized agent from the hotel owner has entered into the contract with the buyer as the 1 Hotel.Finish the buyer agreed to accept the Commission and brokerage

the 3.If a broker and the buyer can sell property as mentioned above. As a result of the recruiters have advise or manage to broker the seller sold the property. At a price not less than... Of... To... The... The... The...Million seller agreed to pay the Commission to the broker money... To... To... To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... To... To... To... The...))
by agreeing to pay annuities:
. A.In the contract to buy to sell. To pay money... The... The... To... To... To... The... The... The......)
or according to the rate of... Of...,...). The deposit that buyers pay
B.On the day the contract was the money intact from buyers. The unfinished business of all
C. In the case of a registered trading and brokerage, the seller received payments from buyers possesses
.The seller will pay the broker Commission immediately or within two days, in case the buyer pay เป็นแคช cheer check
or draft
an 4. In case. The buyer brokerage commission from the buyer the seller does not have to pay the broker Commission
.The 5. If the broker can sell the property more than or higher than the price agreed in the contract, the amount of money
.Excess after deduct taxation fee conveyancing and fees, related to specific transfer excess. To divide into three parts as follows:
.The first part the mandate from the landowner
the second broker seller
part three brokers and buyers

the 6.The Seller agrees to pay cost broker to broker. As far as necessary for case finding buyers signed to buy property successfully. Money is... To... The... The... The... To...) (... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...))

. The 7.This Agreement shall take effect from the day the... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... The... ...,...
until the day......... Months... To... The... The...... to... The... The... The...If a broker and buyers still cannot complete the buyer signed trading success. To treat the contract as broke up without must notice

the 8.The contract between the broker

. This contract made on the day of the... The... The... Months... To... The... The... The... The...... to... The... To... The...
. At home เลขที่......,... The road... The... The... The... The... The... Lane / alley to... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
sub -...To... To... To... The... The... The... The... Designated... --... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... Bangkok
between. The person 1... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley..........................................ตำบล/แขวง..................................................
และ EOS The person 2... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... At the age of... Of... Years. In บ้านเลขที่...... To...........................
อำเภอ/เขต.............................................จังหวัด.......................................................The next contract is the contract or commission the seller
. I... Is... The... The... To... The... The... The... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley... To... To... To... To... To... The...The district / county......... The... The... The... The....
district / county... To... To... To... To... The... The... Of... To... To... The...... to... The... The... The... Which is called the buyer brokerage ต่อไปสัญญาน

.The parties agreed to a contract. The following message

the 1. Seller agree to broker as an intermediary in negotiations between the buyer brokerage trading Hotel Which represent... From... To... The... The... The... The.................................................... กับเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS หรือ EOS ตัวแทนที่ได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS ดังรายละเอียดต่อไปนี้ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ข้อ 2.The broker the seller to negotiate! Such Hotels with the broker and traded buyer. To the hotel owner or authorized agent from the hotel owner has entered into the contract with the buyer as the 1 Hotel.Finish the buyer agreed to accept the Commission and brokerage

the 3.If a broker and the buyer can sell property as mentioned above. As a result of the recruiters have advise or manage to broker the seller sold the property. At a price not less than... Of... To... The... The... The...Million seller agreed to pay the Commission to the broker money... To... To... To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... To... To... To... The...))
by agreeing to pay annuities:
. A.In the contract to buy to sell. To pay money... The... The... To... To... To... The... The... The......)
or according to the rate of... Of...,...). The deposit that buyers pay
B.On the day the contract was the money intact from buyers. The unfinished business of all
C. In the case of a registered trading and brokerage, the seller received payments from buyers possesses
.The seller will pay the broker Commission immediately or within two days, in case the buyer pay เป็นแคช cheer check
or draft
an 4. In case. The buyer brokerage commission from the buyer the seller does not have to pay the broker Commission
.The 5. If the broker can sell the property more than or higher than the price agreed in the contract, the amount of money
.Excess after deduct taxation fee conveyancing and fees, related to specific transfer excess. To divide into three parts as follows:
.The first part the mandate from the landowner
the second broker seller
part three brokers and buyers

the 6.The Seller agrees to pay cost broker to broker. As far as necessary for case finding buyers signed to buy property successfully. Money is... To... The... The... The... To...) (... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...))

. The 7.This Agreement shall take effect from the day the... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... The... ...,...
until the day......... Months... To... The... The...... to... The... The... The...If a broker and buyers still cannot complete the buyer signed trading success. To treat the contract as broke up without must notice

the 8.In case the buyer brokerage role broke broker. The seller the seller broker broker damaged contract has the right to terminate the contract has an 9

.During the negotiations traded this hotel. If the transacting another hotel. The hotel. Come from one group of individuals or a group to meet the buyer seller broker, which represent.To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... The... The...... the... The buyer must negotiate trading broker hotel every transformation through you in front of the seller. Until the end of the trading process of the hotel

. The contract was made. The... The...Original text is matched. The parties have read and understand all. And sign it is important in front of a witness

sign... Of... To... To... To... To... The... The...... the... The promise.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of...To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The broker
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The witness.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...))
sign... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The witness
. (... To... To... To... To... To... The...To...,...)

.The contract between the broker

. This contract made on the day of the... The... The... Months... To... The... The... The... The...... to... The... To... The...
. At home เลขที่......,... The road... The... The... The... The... The... Lane / alley to... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
sub -...To... To... To... The... The... The... The... Designated... --... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... Bangkok
between. The person 1... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley..........................................ตำบล/แขวง..................................................
และ EOS The person 2... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... At the age of... Of... Years. In บ้านเลขที่...... To...........................
อำเภอ/เขต.............................................จังหวัด.......................................................The next contract is the contract or commission the seller
. I... Is... The... The... To... The... The... The... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley... To... To... To... To... To... The...The district / county......... The... The... The... The....
district / county... To... To... To... To... The... The... Of... To... To... The...... to... The... The... The... Which is called the buyer brokerage ต่อไปสัญญาน

.The parties agreed to a contract. The following message

the 1. Seller agree to broker as an intermediary in negotiations between the buyer brokerage trading Hotel Which represent... From... To... The... The... The... The.................................................... กับเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS หรือ EOS ตัวแทนที่ได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS ดังรายละเอียดต่อไปนี้ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ข้อ 2.The broker the seller to negotiate! Such Hotels with the broker and traded buyer. To the hotel owner or authorized agent from the hotel owner has entered into the contract with the buyer as the 1 Hotel.Finish the buyer agreed to accept the Commission and brokerage

the 3.If a broker and the buyer can sell property as mentioned above. As a result of the recruiters have advise or manage to broker the seller sold the property. At a price not less than... Of... To... The... The... The...Million seller agreed to pay the Commission to the broker money... To... To... To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... To... To... To... The...))
by agreeing to pay annuities:
. A.In the contract to buy to sell. To pay money... The... The... To... To... To... The... The... The......)
or according to the rate of... Of...,...). The deposit that buyers pay
B.On the day the contract was the money intact from buyers. The unfinished business of all
C. In the case of a registered trading and brokerage, the seller received payments from buyers possesses
.The seller will pay the broker Commission immediately or within two days, in case the buyer pay เป็นแคช cheer check
or draft
an 4. In case. The buyer brokerage commission from the buyer the seller does not have to pay the broker Commission
.The 5. If the broker can sell the property more than or higher than the price agreed in the contract, the amount of money
.Excess after deduct taxation fee conveyancing and fees, related to specific transfer excess. To divide into three parts as follows:
.The first part the mandate from the landowner
the second broker seller
part three brokers and buyers

the 6.The Seller agrees to pay cost broker to broker. As far as necessary for case finding buyers signed to buy property successfully. Money is... To... The... The... The... To...) (... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...))

. The 7.This Agreement shall take effect from the day the... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... The... ...,...
until the day......... Months... To... The... The...... to... The... The... The...If a broker and buyers still cannot complete the buyer signed trading success. To treat the contract as broke up without must notice

the 8.In case the buyer brokerage role broke broker. The seller the seller broker broker damaged contract has the right to terminate the contract has an 9

.During the negotiations traded this hotel. If the transacting another hotel. The hotel. Come from one group of individuals or a group to meet the buyer seller broker, which represent.To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... The... The...... the... The buyer must negotiate trading broker hotel every transformation through you in front of the seller. Until the end of the trading process of the hotel

. The contract was made. The... The...Original text is matched. The parties have read and understand all. And sign it is important in front of a witness

sign... Of... To... To... To... To... The... The...... the... The promise.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of...To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The broker
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The witness.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...))
sign... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The witness
. (... To... To... To... To... To... The...To...,...)

.The contract between the broker

. This contract made on the day of the... The... The... Months... To... The... The... The... The...... to... The... To... The...
. At home เลขที่......,... The road... The... The... The... The... The... Lane / alley to... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
sub -...To... To... To... The... The... The... The... Designated... --... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... Bangkok
between. The person 1... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley..........................................ตำบล/แขวง..................................................
และ EOS The person 2... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... At the age of... Of... Years. In บ้านเลขที่...... To...........................
อำเภอ/เขต.............................................จังหวัด.......................................................The next contract is the contract or commission the seller
. I... Is... The... The... To... The... The... The... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley... To... To... To... To... To... The...The district / county......... The... The... The... The....
district / county... To... To... To... To... The... The... Of... To... To... The...... to... The... The... The... Which is called the buyer brokerage ต่อไปสัญญาน

.The parties agreed to a contract. The following message

the 1. Seller agree to broker as an intermediary in negotiations between the buyer brokerage trading Hotel Which represent... From... To... The... The... The... The.................................................... กับเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS หรือ EOS ตัวแทนที่ได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS ดังรายละเอียดต่อไปนี้ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ข้อ 2.The broker the seller to negotiate! Such Hotels with the broker and traded buyer. To the hotel owner or authorized agent from the hotel owner has entered into the contract with the buyer as the 1 Hotel.Finish the buyer agreed to accept the Commission and brokerage

the 3.If a broker and the buyer can sell property as mentioned above. As a result of the recruiters have advise or manage to broker the seller sold the property. At a price not less than... Of... To... The... The... The...Million seller agreed to pay the Commission to the broker money... To... To... To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... To... To... To... The...))
by agreeing to pay annuities:
. A.In the contract to buy to sell. To pay money... The... The... To... To... To... The... The... The......)
or according to the rate of... Of...,...). The deposit that buyers pay
B.On the day the contract was the money intact from buyers. The unfinished business of all
C. In the case of a registered trading and brokerage, the seller received payments from buyers possesses
.The seller will pay the broker Commission immediately or within two days, in case the buyer pay เป็นแคช cheer check
or draft
an 4. In case. The buyer brokerage commission from the buyer the seller does not have to pay the broker Commission
.The 5. If the broker can sell the property more than or higher than the price agreed in the contract, the amount of money
.Excess after deduct taxation fee conveyancing and fees, related to specific transfer excess. To divide into three parts as follows:
.The first part the mandate from the landowner
the second broker seller
part three brokers and buyers

the 6.The Seller agrees to pay cost broker to broker. As far as necessary for case finding buyers signed to buy property successfully. Money is... To... The... The... The... To...) (... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...))

. The 7.This Agreement shall take effect from the day the... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... The... ...,...
until the day......... Months... To... The... The...... to... The... The... The...If a broker and buyers still cannot complete the buyer signed trading success. To treat the contract as broke up without must notice

the 8.In case the buyer brokerage role broke broker. The seller the seller broker broker damaged contract has the right to terminate the contract has an 9

.During the negotiations traded this hotel. If the transacting another hotel. The hotel. Come from one group of individuals or a group to meet the buyer seller broker, which represent.To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... The... The...... the... The buyer must negotiate trading broker hotel every transformation through you in front of the seller. Until the end of the trading process of the hotel

. The contract was made. The... The...Original text is matched. The parties have read and understand all. And sign it is important in front of a witness

sign... Of... To... To... To... To... The... The...... the... The promise.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of...To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The broker
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The witness.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...))
sign... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The witness
. (... To... To... To... To... To... The...To...,...)

.The contract between the broker

. This contract made on the day of the... The... The... Months... To... The... The... The... The...... to... The... To... The...
. At home เลขที่......,... The road... The... The... The... The... The... Lane / alley to... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
sub -...To... To... To... The... The... The... The... Designated... --... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... Bangkok
between. The person 1... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley..........................................ตำบล/แขวง..................................................
และ EOS The person 2... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... At the age of... Of... Years. In บ้านเลขที่...... To...........................
อำเภอ/เขต.............................................จังหวัด.......................................................The next contract is the contract or commission the seller
. I... Is... The... The... To... The... The... The... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley... To... To... To... To... To... The...The district / county......... The... The... The... The....
district / county... To... To... To... To... The... The... Of... To... To... The...... to... The... The... The... Which is called the buyer brokerage ต่อไปสัญญาน

.The parties agreed to a contract. The following message

the 1. Seller agree to broker as an intermediary in negotiations between the buyer brokerage trading Hotel Which represent... From... To... The... The... The... The.................................................... กับเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS หรือ EOS ตัวแทนที่ได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS ดังรายละเอียดต่อไปนี้ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ข้อ 2.The broker the seller to negotiate! Such Hotels with the broker and traded buyer. To the hotel owner or authorized agent from the hotel owner has entered into the contract with the buyer as the 1 Hotel.Finish the buyer agreed to accept the Commission and brokerage

the 3.If a broker and the buyer can sell property as mentioned above. As a result of the recruiters have advise or manage to broker the seller sold the property. At a price not less than... Of... To... The... The... The...Million seller agreed to pay the Commission to the broker money... To... To... To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... To... To... To... The...))
by agreeing to pay annuities:
. A.In the contract to buy to sell. To pay money... The... The... To... To... To... The... The... The......)
or according to the rate of... Of...,...). The deposit that buyers pay
B.On the day the contract was the money intact from buyers. The unfinished business of all
C. In the case of a registered trading and brokerage, the seller received payments from buyers possesses
.The seller will pay the broker Commission immediately or within two days, in case the buyer pay เป็นแคช cheer check
or draft
an 4. In case. The buyer brokerage commission from the buyer the seller does not have to pay the broker Commission
.The 5. If the broker can sell the property more than or higher than the price agreed in the contract, the amount of money
.Excess after deduct taxation fee conveyancing and fees, related to specific transfer excess. To divide into three parts as follows:
.The first part the mandate from the landowner
the second broker seller
part three brokers and buyers

the 6.The Seller agrees to pay cost broker to broker. As far as necessary for case finding buyers signed to buy property successfully. Money is... To... The... The... The... To...) (... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...))

. The 7.This Agreement shall take effect from the day the... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... The... ...,...
until the day......... Months... To... The... The...... to... The... The... The...If a broker and buyers still cannot complete the buyer signed trading success. To treat the contract as broke up without must notice

the 8.In case the buyer brokerage role broke broker. The seller the seller broker broker damaged contract has the right to terminate the contract has an 9

.During the negotiations traded this hotel. If the transacting another hotel. The hotel. Come from one group of individuals or a group to meet the buyer seller broker, which represent.To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... The... The...... the... The buyer must negotiate trading broker hotel every transformation through you in front of the seller. Until the end of the trading process of the hotel

. The contract was made. The... The...Original text is matched. The parties have read and understand all. And sign it is important in front of a witness

sign... Of... To... To... To... To... The... The...... the... The promise.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of...To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The broker
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The witness.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...))
sign... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The witness
. (... To... To... To... To... To... The...To...,...)

.The contract between the broker

. This contract made on the day of the... The... The... Months... To... The... The... The... The...... to... The... To... The...
. At home เลขที่......,... The road... The... The... The... The... The... Lane / alley to... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
sub -...To... To... To... The... The... The... The... Designated... --... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... Bangkok
between. The person 1... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley..........................................ตำบล/แขวง..................................................
และ EOS The person 2... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... At the age of... Of... Years. In บ้านเลขที่...... To...........................
อำเภอ/เขต.............................................จังหวัด.......................................................The next contract is the contract or commission the seller
. I... Is... The... The... To... The... The... The... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley... To... To... To... To... To... The...The district / county......... The... The... The... The....
district / county... To... To... To... To... The... The... Of... To... To... The...... to... The... The... The... Which is called the buyer brokerage ต่อไปสัญญาน

.The parties agreed to a contract. The following message

the 1. Seller agree to broker as an intermediary in negotiations between the buyer brokerage trading Hotel Which represent... From... To... The... The... The... The.................................................... กับเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS หรือ EOS ตัวแทนที่ได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS ดังรายละเอียดต่อไปนี้ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ข้อ 2.The broker the seller to negotiate! Such Hotels with the broker and traded buyer. To the hotel owner or authorized agent from the hotel owner has entered into the contract with the buyer as the 1 Hotel.Finish the buyer agreed to accept the Commission and brokerage

the 3.If a broker and the buyer can sell property as mentioned above. As a result of the recruiters have advise or manage to broker the seller sold the property. At a price not less than... Of... To... The... The... The...Million seller agreed to pay the Commission to the broker money... To... To... To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... To... To... To... The...))
by agreeing to pay annuities:
. A.In the contract to buy to sell. To pay money... The... The... To... To... To... The... The... The......)
or according to the rate of... Of...,...). The deposit that buyers pay
B.On the day the contract was the money intact from buyers. The unfinished business of all
C. In the case of a registered trading and brokerage, the seller received payments from buyers possesses
.The seller will pay the broker Commission immediately or within two days, in case the buyer pay เป็นแคช cheer check
or draft
an 4. In case. The buyer brokerage commission from the buyer the seller does not have to pay the broker Commission
.The 5. If the broker can sell the property more than or higher than the price agreed in the contract, the amount of money
.Excess after deduct taxation fee conveyancing and fees, related to specific transfer excess. To divide into three parts as follows:
.The first part the mandate from the landowner
the second broker seller
part three brokers and buyers

the 6.The Seller agrees to pay cost broker to broker. As far as necessary for case finding buyers signed to buy property successfully. Money is... To... The... The... The... To...) (... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...))

. The 7.This Agreement shall take effect from the day the... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... The... ...,...
until the day......... Months... To... The... The...... to... The... The... The...If a broker and buyers still cannot complete the buyer signed trading success. To treat the contract as broke up without must notice

the 8.In case the buyer brokerage role broke broker. The seller the seller broker broker damaged contract has the right to terminate the contract has an 9

.During the negotiations traded this hotel. If the transacting another hotel. The hotel. Come from one group of individuals or a group to meet the buyer seller broker, which represent.To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... The... The...... the... The buyer must negotiate trading broker hotel every transformation through you in front of the seller. Until the end of the trading process of the hotel

. The contract was made. The... The...Original text is matched. The parties have read and understand all. And sign it is important in front of a witness

sign... Of... To... To... To... To... The... The...... the... The promise.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of...To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The broker
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The witness.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...))
sign... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The witness
. (... To... To... To... To... To... The...To...,...)

.The contract between the broker

. This contract made on the day of the... The... The... Months... To... The... The... The... The...... to... The... To... The...
. At home เลขที่......,... The road... The... The... The... The... The... Lane / alley to... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
sub -...To... To... To... The... The... The... The... Designated... --... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... Bangkok
between. The person 1... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley..........................................ตำบล/แขวง..................................................
และ EOS The person 2... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... At the age of... Of... Years. In บ้านเลขที่...... To...........................
อำเภอ/เขต.............................................จังหวัด.......................................................The next contract is the contract or commission the seller
. I... Is... The... The... To... The... The... The... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley... To... To... To... To... To... The...The district / county......... The... The... The... The....
district / county... To... To... To... To... The... The... Of... To... To... The...... to... The... The... The... Which is called the buyer brokerage ต่อไปสัญญาน

.The parties agreed to a contract. The following message

the 1. Seller agree to broker as an intermediary in negotiations between the buyer brokerage trading Hotel Which represent... From... To... The... The... The... The.................................................... กับเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS หรือ EOS ตัวแทนที่ได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS ดังรายละเอียดต่อไปนี้ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ข้อ 2.The broker the seller to negotiate! Such Hotels with the broker and traded buyer. To the hotel owner or authorized agent from the hotel owner has entered into the contract with the buyer as the 1 Hotel.Finish the buyer agreed to accept the Commission and brokerage

the 3.If a broker and the buyer can sell property as mentioned above. As a result of the recruiters have advise or manage to broker the seller sold the property. At a price not less than... Of... To... The... The... The...Million seller agreed to pay the Commission to the broker money... To... To... To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... To... To... To... The...))
by agreeing to pay annuities:
. A.In the contract to buy to sell. To pay money... The... The... To... To... To... The... The... The......)
or according to the rate of... Of...,...). The deposit that buyers pay
B.On the day the contract was the money intact from buyers. The unfinished business of all
C. In the case of a registered trading and brokerage, the seller received payments from buyers possesses
.The seller will pay the broker Commission immediately or within two days, in case the buyer pay เป็นแคช cheer check
or draft
an 4. In case. The buyer brokerage commission from the buyer the seller does not have to pay the broker Commission
.The 5. If the broker can sell the property more than or higher than the price agreed in the contract, the amount of money
.Excess after deduct taxation fee conveyancing and fees, related to specific transfer excess. To divide into three parts as follows:
.The first part the mandate from the landowner
the second broker seller
part three brokers and buyers

the 6.The Seller agrees to pay cost broker to broker. As far as necessary for case finding buyers signed to buy property successfully. Money is... To... The... The... The... To...) (... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...))

. The 7.This Agreement shall take effect from the day the... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... The... ...,...
until the day......... Months... To... The... The...... to... The... The... The...If a broker and buyers still cannot complete the buyer signed trading success. To treat the contract as broke up without must notice

the 8.In case the buyer brokerage role broke broker. The seller the seller broker broker damaged contract has the right to terminate the contract has an 9

.During the negotiations traded this hotel. If the transacting another hotel. The hotel. Come from one group of individuals or a group to meet the buyer seller broker, which represent.To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... The... The...... the... The buyer must negotiate trading broker hotel every transformation through you in front of the seller. Until the end of the trading process of the hotel

. The contract was made. The... The...Original text is matched. The parties have read and understand all. And sign it is important in front of a witness

sign... Of... To... To... To... To... The... The...... the... The promise.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of...To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The broker
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
sign... Of... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The witness.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...))
sign... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The witness
. (... To... To... To... To... To... The...To...,...)

.The contract between the broker

. This contract made on the day of the... The... The... Months... To... The... The... The... The...... to... The... To... The...
. At home เลขที่......,... The road... The... The... The... The... The... Lane / alley to... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The...
sub -...To... To... To... The... The... The... The... Designated... --... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... Bangkok
between. The person 1... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley..........................................ตำบล/แขวง..................................................
และ EOS The person 2... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... At the age of... Of... Years. In บ้านเลขที่...... To...........................
อำเภอ/เขต.............................................จังหวัด.......................................................The next contract is the contract or commission the seller
. I... Is... The... The... To... The... The... The... The... The age to... To... Years. At home เลขที่...... To... To... The... The...
Street... The... The... The... The...... Lane / alley... To... To... To... To... To... The...The district / county......... The... The... The... The....
district / county... To... To... To... To... The... The... Of... To... To... The...... to... The... The... The... Which is called the buyer brokerage ต่อไปสัญญาน

.The parties agreed to a contract. The following message

the 1. Seller agree to broker as an intermediary in negotiations between the buyer brokerage trading Hotel Which represent... From... To... The... The... The... The.................................................... กับเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS หรือ EOS ตัวแทนที่ได้รับมอบอำนาจจากเจ้าของโรงแรม EOS ดังรายละเอียดต่อไปนี้ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ข้อ 2.The broker the seller to negotiate! Such Hotels with the broker and traded buyer. To the hotel owner or authorized agent from the hotel owner has entered into the contract with the buyer as the 1 Hotel.Finish the buyer agreed to accept the Commission and brokerage

the 3.If a broker and the buyer can sell property as mentioned above. As a result of the recruiters have advise or manage to broker the seller sold the property. At a price not less than... Of... To... The... The... The...Million seller agreed to pay the Commission to the broker money... To... To... To... To... To... To...) (... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... To... To... To... The...))
by agreeing to pay annuities:
. A.In the contract to buy to sell. To pay money... The... The... To... To... To... The... The... The......)
or according to the rate of... Of...,...). The deposit that buyers pay
B.On the day the contract was the money intact from buyers. The unfinished business of all
C. In the case of a registered trading and brokerage, the seller received payments from buyers possesses
.The seller will pay the broker Commission immediately or within two days, in case the buyer pay เป็นแคช cheer check
or draft
an 4. In case. The buyer brokerage commission from the buyer the seller does not have to pay the broker Commission
.The 5. If the broker can sell the property more than or higher than the price agreed in the contract, the amount of money
.Excess after deduct taxation fee conveyancing and fees, related to specific transfer excess. To divide into three parts as follows:
.The first part the mandate from the landowner
the second broker seller
part three brokers and buyers

the 6.The Seller agrees to pay cost broker to broker. As far as necessary for case finding buyers signed to buy property successfully. Money is... To... The... The... The... To...) (... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To... To... To...))

. The 7.This Agreemen
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