Thachao "would come stamping Shiva here in the future as well. In addition, nearby to the Lord thatchoengchum is also known as Luang PHO Ong Saen sacred. As respected and as a gathering of Buddhist in Sakon Nakhon province, beat upon. Phrathat choeng CHUM will start from 9 up to lunar month of every year (around January) Ensure that teacher, Museum Puri and pagoda. Museum of Luang Pu Louis Chan thasa roseBoth landmarks are located within WAT PA sutthawat. Sakon Nakhon city municipal area, which is lined with shady vegetation. The Museum building, Phra achan had assured us that Puri construction application transactions. raising the bat Thai see simplicity. Inside there is a cast of teachers in meditation posture and your bones that turn into crystalline white clear glass Cabinet contained in. With this borikhan and the story of his life history, modern cable-pat this port until the early farming has caused kammaṭṭhāna bits(Thailand)Best la Museum of Luang Pu WAT Chan thasa Rosa or "Nui Te son chanthon drug substance j" Created to this element of Luang pu la Chan thasa rose The Alumni of his teacher, Miss pattern enrich get Jedi from the King. Inside the Pagoda there is a wax-like, and his Louis Luang Pu's Buddhist exhibition, along with the installation of audio visual equipment consists of exhibition. State-of-the-art Can be deployed as a fair education. Practice meditation or other activities related to Buddhism as well. Museum of Phra achan fan of Jaro Located at Wat PA Udom, phanna Nikhom, away from the province for about 39 kilometres along Highway No. 22 (Udon Thani-Sakon Nakhon) "She's a fan of late-modern Jaro pat na kamatan. Followers of teachers committed to working as a Museum for the round base pagoda was a mortar on each side rupklip BOA stacked three layers. Inside the building there is statue of Phra achan actual size fan van borikhan this action you've used as well as the history of the people from birth through to die. Chedi Luang Pu thet sarangsi Telegraph Museum. Located at Wat Tham Kham Phanna Nikhom A meter located on the Summit of Khao Phu Phan mountain range, one of the balls. A secluded and picturesque scenery The building style of pagoda compound northeast of ayudhya. The bronze statue with Luang Pu thet pour sarangsi The exhibition shows the history and his close is God's original cubicle of a stylus fan. Jaro's which is the founder of the temple and the subsequent need to Luang Pu thet, guti said after a poor saṅkhāra in 2537 (1994) Wat PA nonklang Mussel Located in phanna Nikhom Within the province there are approximately 20 kilometers inside its wooden buildings and which is the Quran that God committed teachers 're-Puri. Use the นอาพาธ in the last period before to die. This building is currently used as a museum displaying his machine of committed teachers, while a Buddhist temple. Measure a fish The home is located in the District of phanna Nikhom bright fishing away from the province about 40 km along the highway 22 (Udon Thani-Sakon Nakhon) Inside the temple is a building based on the. Modern architecture, the atmosphere surrounding the shady area. This temple has a Holy Buddhist teacher San rayan guided practice (Luang Pu Qasim. Buddhists can roll) The modern famous teachers, another picture There are some measure uphold Dharma. Or WAT Tham phuang Located on a hill, the highest point in the County, wapi pathum district sent a star away from the province for approximately 105 kilometres along Highway No. 22 (Udon Thani-Sakon Nakhon) Cars can reach the area of the measurement area. Within the Temple of Phra achan totmo pagoda, National Museum for a modern famous kammaṭṭhāna introspection calls another picture and not near each other more as needed 4 นีย points to pity, try the potmathetna and enlightenment thasan Nativity display of Buddha's Parinirvana, so people have fashioned and commemorate the Buddha merit. Developed and designed byBundle information and communication Office, Sakon NakhonWebmaster >>> 0-4271-1250 E-Mail Address >>> mot 48206.
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