you can go by car. Pai has two ways. First way from Bangkok to Chiagmai and second way form Chiagmai to Mae Hong Son to Pai. ระยะทางจากกรุงเทพ - เชียงใหม่ประมาณ 742 กิโลเมตร
you can go by car. Pai has two ways. First way from Bangkok to Chiagmai and second way form Chiagmai to Mae Hong Son to Pai.The distance from Bangkok-Chiang Mai, about 742 kilometers.
you can go by car. Pai has two ways. First way from Bangkok to Chiagmai and second way form Chiagmai to Mae Hong Son to Pai. The distance from Bangkok - Chiang Mai, about 742 kilometers.
You can go by car. Pai has two ways. First way from Bangkok to Chiagmai and second way form Chiagmai to Mae Hong Son to. Pai. distances from Bangkok - Chiang Mai about 742 kilometers.