Thus, the English as a second language of ASEAN nationals. Language pair that is the national language of each person. Third-language section of the ASEAN nationals, it is another language, what language, or one of the languages in more than one language, such as Chinese language, Malay language, Laos, Indonesia, language, Khmer-language Viet Nam Nokia Filipina language Burmese language Hindi and Tamil. There is also the language of the country outside the ASEAN region as the ASEAN's key negotiating partner countries, eight countries are: China, Japan, Republic of Korea Australia New Zealand India Russia and the United States, which means they must learn the language apart from English language Japan Korea Russia, the language is the language the language used in India and many other languages (Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Bengali, etc.). English: languages of the world as an important The current language is English language as a medium of international English as a world language is a language of mankind that humans on earth use the contact between them as the primary. No matter what language is used, each national language. To get in contact with different cultures, different languages, different people all need to use English as the primary already. For this reason, every nation, every language, so packing English as a second language to the national language, is the core of the educational curriculum at all levels of education, from early childhood through to life. But when given the ASEAN working language is "English", so we need to understand, for example, according to the meaning of the words as a "working language" of all the people in ASEAN. All the people who worked on "ASEAN", "work", in ASEAN work together with ASEAN friends "," network "," ASEAN civil society seek educational opportunities in ASEAN "," friends in ASEAN "and" travel in ASEAN. " Everyone must learn and use English as either Prime Minister till the end since farmers, farmer. Student common villagers. Students Children and youth. Etc.
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