2. 2. The space industry and business continuity
1 vision). Can export innovation and service utilization of satellite
GNSS. To the user group in nearby countries (ASEAN). With the requirements in the data with high accuracy
.2) the industrial and technological service of the country. GNSS useful GNSS technology with ส่วนช่วย tracking performance Since the production process, thus achieving both
.3) support industry, focusing on Solution, and Application using data GNSS
for pushing
.1) the development and investment in innovative use of technology in GNSS as problems and the participation of users, both public and private
.2) to promote cooperation between the personnel with knowledge and ability of the state and private agencies to develop this field seriously
2. 3.). Research and development of the vision GNSS
.1) is a research, to take advantage of the information GNSS by supporting the
research project or do White paper and Research (Grant). To accelerate research and development in GNSS
.2) the people involved in the access information and the use of technology and GNSS fully charge
guidelines for pushing
.1) drive and support network research and development related to technology innovation GNSS and use of GNSS system and terrestrial
.2) the sources of knowledge and create knowledge personnel in GNSS of countries and regions
3) enhancing support to send personnel to exchange knowledge, technology GNSS Thai In foreign countries, to achieve cooperation in the level ASEAN / INTERNATIONAL
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