Large scale cassava production is today being carried out season after season repeatedly on the same piece of land
leading to decline in soil fertility and yield overtime. Research information to guide farmers on appropriate fertilizer
management under such continuous cropping are few and poorly documented in south eastern Nigeria. A two-year
field experiment was conducted during 2007 - 2009 at Uyo, a humid forest agro-ecology of south eastern Nigeria to
assess the growth and yield response of cassava. Treatments included four rates each of nitrogen (N) and potassium
(K) (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg/ha) in all possible factorial combination replicated thrice in a randomized complete block
design. Application of N at the highest rate significantly (P = 0.05) increased plant height, produced higher number
of leaves and branches/plant, stem girth, number and weight of tubers/plant and total fresh tuber yield compared with
other treatments. The fresh tuber yield at 120 kg N/ha was however, comparable with that at 80 kg N/ha rate.
Cassava growth, fresh tuber yield and all yield attributes peaked at 80 kg K/ha rate. The 120 kg N/ha and 80 kg K/ha
rates increased fresh tuber weight by 48 and 45% and total fresh tuber yield by 36 and 27% respectively, compared
with the control plots. The application of N between 80 and 120 kg/ha and K at 80 kg/ha appeared appropriate for
optimum yield in our study area and are thus recommended.
ผลลัพธ์ (
แอฟริกา) 1:
Grootskaalse maniok Produksie word vandag ná seisoen Seisoen herhaaldelik op dieselfde stuk grond uitgevoer
wat gelei het tot die afname in grondvrugbaarheid en opbrengs oortyd. Navorsing Gids tot inligting oor toepaslike Boere Kunsmis
Management onder sulke deurlopende verbouing is min en swak gedokumenteer in Suid-Oos-Nigerië. 'N tweejaar-
eksperiment is uitgevoer Veld tydens 2007 - 2009 by Uyo, landbou-ekologie n humiede Forest van Suid-Oos-Nigerië
die groei en opbrengs reaksie van maniok Assesseer. Tariewe Vier behandelings ingesluit elk van stikstof (N) en kalium
(K) (0, 40, 80 en 120 kg / ha) in alle moontlike drie maal op 'n ewekansige faktoriaal kombinasie gerepliceerd Volledige Blok
Design. Toepassing van N op die hoogste koers beduidend (P = 00:05) Verhoogde Plant hoogte, wat groter aantal
van takke en blare / Plant, stam omtrek, gewig en nommer van knolle / Knol Plant Vars en totale opbrengs in vergelyking met
ander behandelings. Knol opbrengs 120 kg op die Fresh N / ha was egter vergelykbaar met dié op 80 kg N / ha koers.
Cassava groei, Vars knol opbrengs en opbrengs eienskappe almal hoogtepunt op 80 kg K / ha koers. Die 120 kg N / ha en 80 kg K / ha
gestyg 48 en 45% deur die totale opbrengs gewig Knol Vars en vars Knol met 36 en 27% onderskeidelik, in vergelyking
met die beheer erwe. Toepassing van die tussen 80 en 120 kg N / ha en K op 80 kg / ha verskyn geskik vir
optimale opbrengs in ons studiegebied en word dus aanbeveel.
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