Discussion.This study is one of the first to examine the feasibility and.Acceptance of holistic exercise as a physical activity for.People with dementia. The findings agree with those of.Barnes et, al. (2012 2013). They developed and pilot-tested.A holistic exercise programme called Preventing Loss of.Independence from Exercise (PLIE pixel) to improve physical and.Cognitive function in people with early to middle stage.Dementia. PLIE pixel was an 18-week exercise programme which."Combined the best elements of eastern and Western exercise.Traditions including yoga Tai Chi Feldenkrais 1,,,,Physical therapy occupational therapy, mindfulness 2 and,,,Dance movement therapy "(Press release retrieved from,,Http: / / www.medscape.com / viewarticle / 781607 May,,28th, the 2013).In their study the efficacy, of PLIE pixel was tested in people.With dementia who attended an adult day care centre. Six.People with dementia with early to middle stage dementia.Participated in PLIE pixel and five people with dementia received.Usual care. Their findings showed that participation in PLIE pixel.Encouraged people with dementia to communicate.Amongst themselves and fostered cognitive awareness.There were improvements in cognition measured by using.The Alzheimer 's Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale.(ADAS-cog) and gait speed in people with dementia.Who participated in holistic exercise compared to those.Who did not.There were some similarities in the Happy Antics programme.And PLIE pixel. Physical exercises were designed for the.Improvement of physical and cognitive function of which.Both programmes applied Tai Chi yoga and, physical / occupational.Therapy based movements during exercises. Both.Programmes followed a mind-body approach. PLIE pixel used the.Feldenkrais and Rosen methods and the, principles of Zen.Were applied in the Happy Antics to facilitate mindful.Awareness. However the Happy, Antics programme differed.From PLIE pixel in some ways. Firstly dance movements, were.Also incorporated into physical exercise. Secondly sessions,,Included cognitive exercises based on the guiding principles.Of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) (Aguirre et, al.2010). Thirdly breathing exercises, through Qigong were.Included and all participants received a short guided.
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