When the arrest Indore Minas initial failure. Claire has announced the closing of the amusement park north shore while Gray sat with Zack player Jaime Rose WebSphere. Detours into the woods and was Indore Minas attack but escaped. During the escape, the two met with the Centre sanctioning body that used to be part of Jurassic Park, the original and can be repaired jeep old to work and drive away to the main road
, but it was Indore terminal. attack Indore Minas crash into the center. Makes Terra Nova Don and the Morgan Four Don lot of flying out and attacked
Gray with Zack back to the main garden, as Deuteronomy Mysore come out attacking tourists
there for them. He met with Owen and Clare eventually
decided to use the Raptor stalking Indore Minas. Owen disagreed, but reluctantly agreed to the plan and the forces of Jane in accordance to the Raptor. These Raptor smell Indore Minas into the woods until you get. Since Indore Minas genes of Raptor They thus communicate. The Raptor Indore Minas accepted as the alpha and change it from attacking the man instead when Owen Claire and the kids come to the lab. They met with Hoskin and his team are carrying embryos rest. Hoskins said the four that he intends to create genetically engineered dinosaurs Add to use as a weapon. The four escaped outside and hit a two wraps circle. Owen can make Bloom, a beta trust him again before Indore Minas appearance. This time the Blue chose to side with Owen instead Indore Minas. The Raptor attack Indore Minas, but instead went to the slip. Upon learning that they can not compete. Claire decided to lure the Tyrannosaurus. Rex came out against Indore Minas. While Indore Minas kill Tyrannosaurus. Blue to help the Tyrannosaurus had a chance to rise again. Both attacks Indore Minas until the fall to the spring, and was Tyrannosaurus Moza dragged down to snap the neck. The remaining survivors were evacuated to the mainland and the island are just dinosaurs. Gray and Zack find parents, Owen and Claire decide if they will cooperate "to survive" in the final scene Tyrannosaurus walked up and stood on the podium parking copter and. roar
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