All newsPost Office'sThe Ministry statement.MinistryRules of the Ministry ofSoutheast publication.Registrar commandActDo not specify a categoryLaw for the policy holder (1) revenue a tax abatement fee deducted.Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing Services57It is a matter for the people than rao salaeng plain. Just read it, understand it and therefore difficult to appear as if it is an issue related to the law, it must rely on their expertise as a lawyer, etc.In life insurance, as well. Appears frequently as the holder of the insurance policy or the beneficiary's legal conflicts, often with life insurance companies are frequently. For benefits in accordance with the policy until the need to court to sue hospitals.Life insurance policies relating to the law at least 3 original, that is, the civil and commercial code. Life Insurance Act and the revenue code subject matter in life insurance policies. Established under the terms of the regulation of the law of three.When it involves several legal issues, there are many coasts, thus I would like to raise as an example, to knowledge exchange. In the following ways:Civil and commercialRegulation of life insurance policy is defined in the civil and commercial code section 897 889 section to define the details. In a binding contract between the insurance company life insurance to the insured, where the life insurance policy term life insurance company it is happening under the mandatory provisions of the civil and commercial code section 887 to 897 with this scale.Is there anything we should know? Let me pursue the sort order section at all haha. Remove only related to our insured, then.1. a beneficiary on the policy set out in section a, paragraph 891. Given that "even in cases where the insured person does not own the beneficiary is the insured shall have the right to transfer the benefits of the contract to another person unless the insurance policy will be sent to the beneficiary and beneficiary notification as to who they are and who have insurance protecting the benefits of the contract."It means that we will provide you with the policy holder who is the beneficiary on any insurance policy. Remove the name entered will be removed, and any other people. Not wrong, but there as long as we don't have policy to the beneficiary, and the beneficiary has not yet notified the company in writing that life insurance will benefit in the policy.Important this article haha The policy holder may not know how to determine the beneficiary on the policy. We can change at any time. Just a notice to company life insurance if you would like further changes to the beneficiary, the company will continue to be based on purpose.แต่ถ้ากรมธรรม์นั้นได้มอบให้ผู้รับประโยชน์ไปแล้ว เช่น นายธนกฤต ที่เป็นคนละคนกับผู้เขียนบทความ ทำประกันชีวิตด้วยทุนประกัน 1,000,000 บาท ให้ภรรยาเป็นผู้รับผลประโยชน์ ทำเสร็จก็เอากรมธรรม์มอบให้ภรรยา บอกว่าแม่ทูนหัวจ๋ารับไปเถิด นี่เป็นสัญญาแห่งความรักของพี่ เธอรับไปแล้วจัดแจงส่งจดหมายแจ้งแก่บริษัทฯว่า เดี๊ยนจะตอบสนองความรักของสามีด้วยการเป็นผู้รับผลประโยชน์ในกรมธรรม์นี้ฮ่ะ บริษัทรับทราบ บันทึกไว้เป็นหลักฐาน ต่อมานายธนกฤตเกิดทะเลาะกับภรรยาด้วยสาเหตุที่มีงูเห่ามาอาศัยบนหัวแทนรังแคและเห็บเหา จะเปลี่ยนผู้รับประโยชน์ในกรมธรรม์เป็นน้องหนูที่งูเห่าชอบ แต่ SORRY นะพี่เอ๋ย ไม่ได้แล้วจ้ะHere you have a guy. Remember Do not remove either Mr. thanakorn top is disallowed. Oh! great mother knew was bad girls. Best women's wife, Thonkritnacha Mr. ape will be bending back home to old snake head chang nap.2. why not to pay compensation. Life insurance company to pay compensation to the beneficiary when the insured died, but civil and commercial. Define the terms that you don't want the 2 compensates the insured is done at winibat with ' subscribe within one year or was intentionally killed, beneficiary, which is defined in section 895, paragraph one (1) and (2) respectively. For the redemption value of the policy if the insured was intentionally killed, beneficiary companies must be returned to the insured, or heir, as defined in section two, paragraph 895.Concluded that if the insured commit suicide voluntarily within one year. The company does not pay compensation or the beneficiary intentionally killed, it would not pay compensation to benefit the people. Redemption value for money policy is the value of the policy. If there is, it will be paid to the insured's heir.They warn that if the insurance is made with rich hope suicide had to wait out a year before the date the policy is in effect will be counted to 365 days, or if it has more than 370 days. Rich and certified safe, but should maintain a life better than what it is worth, our life. Will tell?For beneficiary services, don't shortcut the rich by killing the insured. This sin jail and the use of money. There are many examples already visible.3. money payable to the insurance policy. Life insurance companies, money paid to the beneficiary in a life insurance policy. By law, creditors could not claim to repayment unless the insurance premium the insured paid only. As defined in section 897, paragraph two of "If the insured is determined to use the money to someone specifically, he said the amount of insurance premium which the insured has submitted only. I know kongmondok is part of the assets of the insured's creditors will remove debt. "Explain clearly, by assuming that Mr. Thonkrit (again.) made life insurance. 1 million. Given his wife benefited when interest payments were made to three years, three times the total amount: 60000 to decide to wait another 6 years before government policies benefited the rich rounded eyes. Mr. thanakorn, it cannot tolerate poverty top Quake thueng theng. Insurance companies pay according to the number of wives Enough creditors know they are hoping the influx of money is debt. The law came out jumping and saying to just pay interest determined.
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