Ink or that squid [1] (English: Cuttlefish, Octopus) is a marine invertebrate that has a large, fast-moving and agile with tentacles around the mouth, a pair of 4-5 on the tentacles have sucker row button has the duty of catching prey entered mouth.It is in the phylum Mollusca. Class is a class of which the Semitic lopho Raphael animals with weak soft trunk. Subclasses of animal groups that are different from Coleoidea nearby Nautiloidea, which has a solid crust is wrapped outside the body, but most ink back bone or shell inside to take advantage in a buoy, or propping up the body, which is called the sea of tongue, there are some types that have no bones, but cartilage replacement are to be used to sustain the body structure.The ink evolves from Mollusca in the late Cambrian 500 million years ago. but, in spite of the clam and Squid in the modern era, they have the same body system kailai. That is, the digestive system, mouth, teeth & muscle model mantle.
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