Table 6 showed that the level of education of the candidates who are members of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce - Bangkok. No candidates in the level. 6. or equivalent Diploma / Bachelor. Number two, accounting for 2.4 percent of undergraduate, 50 master's degrees, accounting for 59.5 percent of four people. 4.8
degree candidates who are members of the FTI. Undergraduate, 11 master's degrees and 13.1 percent of 3 percent of the 3.6 m level. 6. or equivalent And Diploma / Bachelor. No candidates
education of candidates who are guests. Diploma / Bachelor. Number one, accounting for 0.6 percent of undergraduates, 13 percent of the 15.5 m level. 6. And a master's degree or equivalent No candidates
education of candidates for commercial accounts with a number of mid-year 2558 was the most undergraduate 74 people, representing 88.1 percent of the Japanese Chamber members - Bangkok.
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