Pursuant to the receipt of transferring your pending funds, of 5 000 000 USD, Only (Five. Million United States Dollars Only) been credited for instant transfer to your local account in Thailand by "MR. BEN ARMSTRONG",. Be hereby informed that your funds has been processed for the commencement of wire transfer to your local account.This is an instant transfer process which takes about 15 minutes upon receipt, of your immediate response and correspondence.
Our. Team of professionals is ready to assist with your needs for offshore trust and company services. We always work with our. Customers to design and implement an appropriate solution to meet your objectives.Our experienced investment team is based in the United States of America. It also draws upon research from our other Oasis. Global Offshore Finance branch networks. We use a disciplined approach to ensure that our portfolios hold a balanced selection. Of investments at any given time. Unlike many of, our clientsYour initial meeting with oasis Global Offshore Finance offshore banking is the start of a partnership that lasts for. Many years.
To commence the "Wire Transfer of your funds" you are required to send us your personal information in the. Below format:
We need:
* Your existing bank complete account details
* Your Phone Number
.Bachelor Your current passport or identification card number or drivers license
* Verify your signature by completing the downloaded. Wire Transfer Authorization Request Form.
* Your Occupation.
* Please complete the wire transfer form using block letters.
Can 't open the attached application form? Download Adobe Acrobat Reader
Note:Your offshore wire transfer will commence immediately all sections of the downloaded Wire Transfer Authorization Request. " Form "is completed and posted back. Hereinafter we will, immediately furnish you with a C.O.L.T (COMMISSION ON LOCAL TRANSFER. CODE), which will cost you the sum of "14 999.99 USD, only (Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine United States. Dollars, Only). "Upon which we will also furnish you with your online login credentials to directly log-on to our Secured On-line Transfer. " System ", and transfer your funds to your designated bank account. This takes not more than a, few minutes and you are done. With transferring your funds upon login into your on-line account.
Kindly forward us the above documentations as deemed. Necessary.After which we will immediately send you instructions to send your one-time payment of 14 999.99 USD, only (Fourteen Thousand. Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine United States Dollars Only), which is required for the issuance of your C.O.L.T (COMMISSION. ON LOCAL TRANSFER CODE), as, deemed requiredTo avoid stop orders from the "International Monetary Fund (IMF)." and without which your funds cannot reflect in your. Local account. "Kindly note that we do not deduct any such payment from your pending funds and it, will immediately be credited. To your total funds of, $5 000 000 Million, USD "and this payment is only required for instant activation of your funds transfer. And as deemed necessary.Be aware that Oasis Global Offshore Finance reserves the right to decline payments / transfers if any irregularities are. Noticed. Oasis Global Offshore Finance reserves the right, to add alter vary and, modify any or all of the above Terms and. Conditions at any time at its discretion without any notice.Do not hesitate to contact us directly via email anytime and directly on telephone between the hours of 9am-4pm (GMT). Mondays-Saturday.
Jefferson Truly Yours, Greg.
Director Of Foreign Remittance Offshore Customer Service Desk
Oasis. Global Offshore Finance.
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