History, birds, Hummingbird The people of France who biologist has ever lived in the 18th century already mentioned nokhammingboet (hummingbird) is a bird that nature has bestowed talents, because it has a Cadence that amazing world, this species has a small trunk. There is no more than 6 cm in length, it has a long tapered mouth and tiny winged Cape can flutter speed of 80 times/second. It can float in the air and fly towards the slide is Klang, we encountered this species around the world, especially in countries that are located between the North and South latitude of 5o wilderness of mountains forest it is. People in France called it oiseaumouche meaning a larger bird flies, it is of Spain, beija flor to the Cuban people, flowers and birds kissing students call it, frankly, that they sound as zum zum, hear the time it งเบิร์ pad his chettiar NOK Allee. Typically, larger than the slightly smaller than the male, it is known that birds love, solitude and its most cherished local living. Whenever it is found that other bird invasion that it owns, it will eventually affect the habit unwilling to fight either, and he likes to fight, the people of this Indian tribe built the war gods named by Astec name of hummingbird during May-June, Colonel Mikhail งเบิร์ will start mixing Allee.ธุ์ will take no more than 2-3 seconds it made nests using, such as bark and MOSS. Its eggs are smaller than coffee and will need a full 12-16 days to incubate a bird doesn't like Mitsubishi งเบิร์ Allee commonly evacuation, but some migrated as far as a thousand kilometers of flying. From a cold climate to lay their eggs in warm air. Even though it's small, but it can fly beyond the other animals, and over a larger sample size, it is very. When it is near the defined migration. It's going to eat ahead of time, increasing body weight by up to 50 percent fat to where it is required. Compared to 75 kilograms heavy person, he would have to eat there weight 110 kg, until they were within 3 weeks, so it will be good as the bird.But striking and interesting features is the ability to store and release energy accumulated inside of it in Nature magazine last month phrit GI issue Green body, since R. Dudley Taxas in United States University 2538. report on the results of the experiment have shown that they are able to view the energy accumulated in the Hamra body than warm-blooded animals with all types of spine in the world. Because it can power up to 133 Watts per 1 kg body weight while others can work out being beings charcoal only 15 watts per 1 kg body weight only.Dudley, งเบิร์ Allee Mitsubishi air with gas dabin helium and oxygen. So the air that he used in this experiment is less conventional air density. When this occurs, the power in the Mitsubishi งเบิร์ Hamra must be greater than normal, so that the airlines fly in the air. Over time, the density of oxygen in the laboratory to reduce one level long Allee Mika งเบิร์ will pick the time airlines immediately recognized that the bird has power, Dudley, at most, is how much the figures he has done, he knew that if people have only small birds, this type of energy. He must have the capacity to 40 are about a horse to eat 130 kg per day and must be able to get rid of body heat quickly, because, otherwise, all the body is the body temperature up to 400° c.Comet de Buffon did not say anything to drivel. Hummingbird has been gifted from God real.
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