The elephant is Thailand's pair of town and involves making war between the national Thailand Thailand with the invaders several times. The King sent him in the past, many of Thailand's vehicle in battle, and in the reign of King naresuan has earned to Chao Chang and Chao Chang-an image is the chaiya is the shape of King naresuan and Chao Chang-he's subdued, traichak is reasonable.ด็จ the Lord God of the younger one's car, aka King naresuan. The other elephant, although we have not been earned, but it is very important to help the people of Thailand do battle to protect national historical pongothiptai. The one flag of Thailand have a white elephant white on the flag. Therefore, the people of Thailand, the elephant that respects a twin town for a long time. Thailand is not fierce, and Chang. Chang Thailand are friendly to people, unlike the African elephant with a ferocity and might harm people.But this era coming to Thailand, there are fewer elephants and elephants are used to drag logs. An elephant stepped on it with bombs. Elephant ivory and elephants were killed to remove is the owner of bring in Beijing and major cities to help the owners make a living. Chang has been running hard, making an elephant is a vehicle in the city of until he was wounded and died a lot and now this problem has not yet expired. Ever anime Convention Thailand Anni mail title "Khan kluay" has pointed out the importance of Thailand in the past, elephants, elephants are a flow of love and silence are missing.The condition of the elephants of Thailand at present is very concerned because of the wild elephants in the country, there are fewer examples of Thailand shocked. If we don't help people in Thailand Thailand elephant conservation now, lest the elephants from Thailand in the near future, this may be lost descendants. I've been to see the Thailand elephant conservation Center, Lampang elephant hospital with the illness and treatment is the number of elephants that many treatments for illnesses. The hospital has not enough budget to treat Chang. To rely on the donation from the people of Thailand. I have donated to a number of. ผมขอให้คนไทยทั้งหลายช่วยกันอนุรักษ์ช้างไทยโดยเรียกร้องผ่านสื่อต่างๆขอให้เจ้าของช้างอย่านำช้างมาเดินในเมืองเช่นกรุงเทพและเมืองใหญ่ๆอีกเลยเพราะจะทำให้ช้างได้รับอันตรายจากหลายทางได้ เช่นถูกทั้งรถยนต์ชน รถบรรทุกชนหรือตกท่อได้รับบาดเจ็บและเราก็ไม่ควรอุดหนุนกิจกรรมของเจ้าของช้างประเภทนี้อีกต่อไป รัฐบาลควรกำหนดมาตรการที่ชัดเจนแบบครบวงจรในการอนุรักษ์ช้างไทยและควรให้งบประมาณในเรื่องนี้ให้มากขึ้น รวมทั้งช่วยกันบริจาคเงินตามกำลังแต่ละคนให้โรงพยาบาลที่ดูแลรักษาช้างทั่วประเทศให้มีงบประมาณในการรักษาช้างที่เจ็บป่วยมากขึ้น เพื่อให้เมืองไทยยังคงมีช้างไทยให้รุ่นลูกรุ่นหลานของเราได้เห็นช้างตัวจริง ตัวเป็นๆไม่ใช่เห็นแต่ในรูปภาพ ตลอดไปLucky country Thailand world is just one of the 13 countries in the world that is the natural habitat of elephants in Asia that we called the "elephant" and because people with wisdom in Thailand to catch wild elephants trained running late for a long time. It was another country, Thailand is shared with the community, people such as elephant man and the northeastern tribes tribute (in khamu Karen, etc.) in the North and West, we call this a "changklum House" or "raising elephants elephants."I've seen the elephant for the first time at the age of 8 years at the Zoo, it also has a friend name Bani walae many of it's fat and very cute it is sugar cane and banana diet, please make use of it is black. It's a white sesame seeds and have seen it displayed at a school near home, it is still the same and it's lovely to touch the football. It's a very clever drawing.The elephant is Thailand's national animal identification, and Thailand is an important Buddhist Thailand and the ever impressive national flag striped white elephant. If the talks in the past. The elephant is very important in the war. The war. Chang makes a lot of people coming to Ireland have promoted, and people in Thailand, the elephant of the King of the white elephant, which is that it looks very beautiful but very rare in the battle. Chang will be the vehicles of the army, which is fighting on the just Chang called the war after a fight with the glory to come.Therefore, we do not hunt elephants, so we can preserve the environment and to our future progeny. elephant fat cute. Kick the ball brilliantly clever and interesting drawing.
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