Shortage of water makes an elephant have to find new sources of water. Chang, one of the river. There are alligators and a toad who lived at the river. The crocodile is not satisfied that the elephant will come to eat their living water. Chang, it went back to the forest, because elephants don't want to have problems with the crocodile, so wait for the crocodile sleeping before. To eat, but the crocodile felt before and then suddenly seeing a crocodile, an elephant eats. Crocodile, alligator, angry elephant nose elephant pulling a strong faction out of traction. But there are far more than an elephant's nose dropped thereby making from the pull of the crocodile. Suddenly, the elephant had used a nasal spray of mud and soil water suction insert crocodile with a toad, and makes the elephant wins but changklap nose length, more than ever, since then, elephant, long nose.
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