The pricing of and pricing of residual
.(1) and arrest were the suppression or passenger service. Document with examples of arrest of the perpetrator to rites by medium through the middle of the residue and
.(2) the middle and of residues will ship examples of book of rites and delivered to the middle to estimate
2.1 case of no. Through the analysis to 2
.The analysis of case of 2 products toward through. The process analysis before evaluation, such as jewelry, chemicals, food, medicine, cosmetics, etc. when the machine and analysis of product analysis is done.
.(3) administrative officer central clearance down, get. With the example of the sent from the middle and the analysis of residue or goods in the registration book to get the book. Then the proposed supervisor.According to the official title assessment
.(4) administrative staff will send to staff who are assigned to the appraisal of appraisal, consider the next
.(5) officials estimate of to check the details, the book business with documents that have been considered as follows:
(5.1) in case of accounting price (INVOICE) or proof of payment, such as a receipt. If the check. Found that the price is real and can get rates appraisal of it will use the price according INVOICE or proof of payment.
.(5.2) in case of no account price (INVOICE) or proof of grocery money or any other documents to be used as a reference to use as an มูลอ estimate of. The staff can find the price of INTERNET.Compared to the price evaluation of
.(6) appraisal approach of like import price assessment is to consider the workbench, and the rate of import duty. To comply with the region 2 of decree coordinates, rate of Customs2530 (No. 4) Amendment Act 2549 using form valuation at According to general orders customs that 29 / 2529
.(7) when the estimate of complete. The staff appraisal of the middle. Must be signed in estimates and books smuggled Litigation Department offer superior to sign up certificate appraisal of next
.(8) commander signed in estimates and books brought litigation department administration staff, will set the account in the register and the register transfer. The case proceed in the defense case next
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