The history of the country of Italy The ancient era. Italy peninsula there is a human, from the old stone age. Tiber River basin territory is that the human domicile Ney at nadoe, ranging from approximately 5 thousand years, portal, and with Italy, it is located on a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea, which is an ancient civilization is civilization, and Nhon Mai SI Nian Mika. The concern with the civilized civilization of ancient Greek Italy is a country with a civilization tradition and expand to other territories in Europe. During 1600 years before their era e khri speaks (Etruscan) from Asia minor, it comes as settlers in the region of Tosca na today along with the release of the Green civilized came to visit our Publisher. Best green guys coming. kaeng colonies known as "MAK na Raja Sierra" (Magna Graecia), in the South of Italy in 800 years before Christ; With an area covering the area from the city poly silicon chip has reached the island, Italia. In the 19th century, Gregorian said, before their e-6 compatible with power to rule the lands from the West coast of the peninsula, Italy from the valley until reaching the town na Pro poly and territories around Rome as other tribes that live in the fender peninsular Italy, assembled a "City-State" organized to oppose the expansion of their powers, and e-speak Greek. The major tribes in the fight against these powers, including their Latin or Roman, which once reached 200 years before Christ; They have a competent Latin นก็ over the territory of Italy. The island of Sardinia, silia. In the 27 years ago; Rome has changed from a Republic regime of Empire. With the Emperor issued a circular (Octavian) as the Emperor's eyes, his first. Metropolitan hospitality, optimal growth and expand the power of Government to influence throughout Europe and around the Mediterranean Sea again as the center of Commerce and prosperity in various arts and Sciences, and a branch of a cultural rather than Green has fallen mostly between the years 96-180.Nachuang the period of prosperity of the Emperor ruled Rome after an ahab, but only 5 must have problems in all areas, including the invasion of barbarian as well as degraded moral ethics in 855 BC (r. 312) Emperor Constantine accepted Christianity as a religion shaped national which, Christianity was published throughout the territory under the adidas natkhong Rome. In the 5th century Roman Empire and Rome has been their barbarian German access to plunder, which later was the Roman Emperor (r. 476) 1019 he finally was driving out of their barbarian throne count as the end of the Western Roman Empire in the history of the ancient world and the Western world went into the middle ages.The middle ages. In the early middle ages. Territories in Europe has been falling in the city staggering rasam RA leader. Social, economic and political systems were destroyed, but at the same time, business like it'll Rome established maximum power in the Church, which is "the Pope", and the Papal States can also be phaphu the Roman civilization that has inherited the passion for the next yellow. However, even though the State is in peninsula Italy lacked political unity, but they are also central to the State's prosperity and the recovery of the art and culture of Europe. In the mid-14th century Italy had succeeded in the Renaissance of civilized of green and Roman (popular Renault era) and as the leader of the cult, humanism, while the European countries also fall under the sakdi NA or fiodan, but when the end of the 15th century Italy was a monument to compete for chip dynasty between Spain and France Austria exhibitionist. That is, in 1494 Charles VIII property in France, God has launched attack on the peninsula, which has taken takes a middle 20th century arrived and attacked to seize ownership, between France and Spain.
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