Diamond is a precious jewel that nature. There is a beautiful, pleasant, and is widely known. 4. in the 19th century before Christ that a diamond is an amazing mystery mat chan. There is a legend about this legendary tales, stories of diamonds for a period of over 2,000 years ago, with the pursuit of diamonds as treasure and wearing a piece of jewelry and garments as gifts for love. Ancient India people believe diamonds are the power to the winner, and is also used to pay homage to the ancestral cult image miniatures and even the King of modern India, it is used to prevent the disaster from the evil Devil diamond. The guards made the war. In the past often wear diamonds to represent the symbol of courage. People in modern Greece and Roman โราณ believe that diamonds can heal wounds. In the middle ages (Middle Ages) diamond believed to help prevent epidemics. Diamond has the power to prevent the owner of the wearer from danger to all evil things. Machine porn radin in power Pro comes the mystery of diamond, diamond, bury the sword that apply for rachaphisek. Queen Elizabeth I of England who was a diamond shape is LookIn to prevent disease is to arrive to approach him. A lot of people believe that diamonds can weld notch's husband and wife. As long as the belief of this still remains Best among many young women, believe that diamonds are a symbol of pure love for eternity. The diamond has been bound into a love affair because of the diamond, as well as love is priceless, and the word "diamond". Start schools in Sanskrit during the 19th century 4 Before Christ, for the Western world. The word "Diamond" in English. There is a term derived from the Greek root word "Adamas" meaning that could not be overcome. Compared with the word "a" in the Latin language Diamas "Vairam" in Tamil, "Vajra", "Hira,", "," in the Sanskrit language and "Hirak Almas" in Arabic language. These words are used to retrieve the hard metal or minerals in ancient times. Add Registry kaboran believed that tea diamonds falling to Earth meteoroid, is the human spark, like a fire in a stylized diamonds reflect the flame of love that always will be pent-up said diamond tear drop is of God. Some legends tell that there is access to the Central Valley of the Asian man may not go there full of diamonds. There is a bird and a snake, bad care exists.
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