Carruthers and Davies traveled to explore the dune He and a door and there the girl was told by Davies is looking for. Carruthers and Davies to explore at the narrow canal have characteristics of San Sai, while at low tide and boat when the tide 10 days. Carruthers knew that Davies has the ability to ship a very good Groove. When Carruthers and Davies to go out buy Wangeroog while Davies of Carruthers heard intruders and try to catch it just boots, because the antenna must be rushed to the fire ท่ดับไป to display light freckles of Davies Davies thinks is not a ordinary burglar stealing local the local ordinary, because would not fire. Carruthers, To Explore The Piers, But Davie Didn't Agree. Days later, the ship encounters the Carruthers and Davies Blitz then storm came so boat and Davies Carruthers on Benseseil island.
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