Main characteristics of the market competition, complete with a few categories.(1) there is a buyer and a seller, re very nachamnuan: buyer and seller a smaller individual cases.The seller, there is very little market share. Therefore it does not influence the market, as well as price changes.The output quantity of the individual business units will not affect the supply of the market. The buyer is.Very small, so the two sides must bear the price (Price Taker) are coming from the demand and.The supply of the market.(2) products on the market will have the same characteristics: the complete competitive market would sustain a.It is based on these criteria. Items that have the same characteristics, so substitute completely regardless.Consumers are buying from.(3) the เคลอื่ nayai inputs: you can move by interdependence. There are no.Obstacles preventing any(Iv) access the markets of the new manufacturer: can do without any obstacles.Any interruption, whether legal, financial or other.(5) complete knowledge: consumers and producers have contributed to the State of knowledge.Market as well.
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