France's national dress.After World War II France 1 (1920-1930-1942) The resulting World War 1 country Thailand, we are in the reign of the first world war and after the 6. Women wear skirts to come dressed in the original example, not because the band times during the war, women are required to dress casual and economic slump after the war is the changes of fashion in the years 1920, called The Gay Twenties 1920s fashion, which is a base or to fashion each year. The Gay Twenties as the shirt he is wearing comfortable, loose chic. Long skirts covering the knee, called simply the hips for a long evening dress fabric top Gasby sateen, black hairstyles, dresses to the little pane. Open back surgery Start with a bath made from fabric furniture easy stockings. T-shirt Bras "Brassiere" petticoat "Petticoat", made with a cloth strap Slip shall have stayed anonymous set of abdomen.
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