Prevention and treatment of pollution of the environment
5.5. Increasing the amount of water in the dam to produce electricity
5.6. Success and acceptance of cloud seeding in the future!Artificial rain
. 1 on cloud seeding.For agriculture. To solve the water shortage during the drought Increase the volume to the watershed of river water with different water content down
5.2. To consumer
5.3. Extra transportation water
5.4.Converter technique and by using aviation technology. A change in nature, create clouds to grow up, create the situation ที่ทำให้เกิด wind. To help reduce the level of the clouds that grew to condense as raindrops.This must be the science scientific process observation, record, analysis, to build a hypothesis, the theory. The experiment was to understand all. Then the science is new.Rainmaking up really proved them. It happened in front of a group of people is important both in domestic and overseas
.2 process in cloud seeding
. 2.1. Cloud seeding in warm zone, which has a cloud with lower temperature 0 C
. Cloud seeding this call another thing that cloud rainmaking cold. To make strain had high clouds, the average 21 500 feet, or about 6450 meters have a lower temperature 0 C a cumulus cloud (Cumulus) is only born early and late rainy season. Cloud seeding in cloud types used in dry ice or sow grain small (dry ice) or silver iodide and (silver iodide).Cloud seeding, all well known hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, which is a process to create rain. The steam in the atmosphere, clouds, which is in the dry season, often floating through space that drought, without becoming rain.Which absorbs moisture to nourish the clouds grow and rainfall increases, while the capillary action to carry a small flake ice upstairs makes these flake ice this larger than some weight.Through the air layer temperature passive ice will melt into the rain!Straight lift will not support it fell.Heat the air within the clouds lifted above effect gravity under the base of the cloud.2.2. Cloud seeding in the tropics, which has a higher temperature 0 C
.16.Cloud seeding this call another thing that rainmaking warm clouds With the characteristics of cloud formations is the vertical cloud clouds cumulus queue (cumulus), which can be observed from a group of cloud base clouds will look black.000 feet, the temperature inside the clouds above 0 degrees Celsius. Cloud seeding in cloud of this type will use chemicals to stimulate de bump and the incorporation of process grain size
3 cloud. The cloud seeding
.Cloud seeding 3 comprises steps as follows:
step 1 disruptive (Triggering)
.A modified transform air disturbing balance (Equilibrium) or stability (Stability) of the air mass is แห่งๆ by sprinkling chemical types. Exothermic (Exothermic chemical) in the sky at the level of the base the cloud in the day.(Endothermic chemicals), higher than 2000-3 000 feet, in order to provide cloud faster. And the higher than that occurs naturally. The disruptive in the early time of the north wind area. The goal for the plan specified in a day!Step 2 fatten (Fatten)
.Or sprinkle chemical exothermic chemical type switch type ground cooling in the ratio of 1:By sprinkling types of chemicals when absorbs moisture and temperature drop down at the base level เมฆหรือ cloud peak by flying into clouds scattered chemicals directly or scattered around.A modified air cloud transform and by stimulating or accelerate the growth of cloud that cause it. To grow the base clouds and cloud top, size drop bigger, and the amount of water in the clouds and much more!4 over the cloud peak around the area, with a thickness 2 000-3 000 feet,, Covered area is a wide area. Or area downwind of the starting disturb. The condition of the aircraft depends, topography, and while the weather was to give
.Step 3 attack (Attack)
.A modified air cloud transform directly or under the cloud base or the desired. Induced cloud rain and moving into the desired areas.A sprinkler in the north edge of cloud, cloud top level customer or shoulder clouds. Both plane tum opposite each other 45 degrees. Scatter type vacuum heat or chemicals were lower than the cloud base, not less than 1000 feet, or create a cool spot with a chemical type heat absorption area is narrow in the target eagerness. For induction to rain falling into the area to move that
4. Chemicals used in cloud seeding
4.1.By plane. Fly in chemical type heat absorption into directly at the base or clouds, cloud top or at the level of ระหว่างฐาน clouds and cloud top. Close to the edge of cloud north wind or the use of aircraft 2 sprinkler simultaneously is a sandwich (Sandwich).Chemical type exothermic or higher temperature (Exothermic chemical) are currently used in cloud seeding in 3 type is
. 4.1.1. Calcium carbon (Calcium carbide; CaC2)
4.1.2. Calcium chloride (Calcium Chloride; CaCl2)
4.1.3. Calcium oxide. (Calcium oxide;Chemical absorbent moisture one simple, including salt
5. The utility of cloud seeding
5.1.For agriculture. To solve the water shortage during the drought Increase the volume to the watershed of river water with different water content down
5.2. To consumer
5.3. Extra transportation water
5.4.Prevention and treatment of pollution of the environment
5.5. Increasing the amount of water in the dam to produce electricity
5.6. Success and acceptance of cloud seeding in the future!
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