Thanks for the messages that you reply to. I will find out the answers to myself that I feel with you but there is one thing that I tell you. Time force I see you in the picture. I think I would have been the warmth that comes from the truth in you. Friends and friendship that we have mutually hai. Whether today or someday that will change.My life in the past was wrong, but in the future I would do, but what is the best and will always be a friend to someone who is sitting next to a guy who is ready to walk together with confidence and honesty here. I may not be a good person, but I best do what. Whether you have children or parents and people around you love. I was not the final one at a time, to make them love me and I love him. The day of I might be your night, we might have to contact each other difficult. But all your font set I will try to read and understand it. Are you running the country? The time period in which you are at it for as long as thirty jars. When Hai rakhun returns to England The ball you are with anyone else. You work with what you เกี่บว tired themselves out? I get a message you about 01.30 pm 1 hour and a half after midnight. I'm trying to sleep. I will wait for you every day.
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