I was the one who always ใฝฝัน wa wash one day will be the doctor, help people in my childhood was only that want to be doctor. Think Waka is doctor will The rich are comfortable is the career of a pants. And I think through a number of the Neue who think like meThe changing with time. I saw the launch of that of other people, both rich and poor, since the live of the bloom at the time why comfort have no money. The doctor must endure the pain Pueblo to macro will project Tang that out help TAE.Or if the far prosperity. It will be cached anchor health, which tool didn't complete my dream is that will help others. I will keep them as not much, but I'm up parnnapa grandfather own sensitivity could do better, you punk!.Everybody thinks, Dr. Tong he shifts must help to solved when emergency was followed, there is time to ourselves and families, much, I solved the long distracted, ever thought. I want to be a doctor. I di New Time itself, and I think I want to be a doctor, and I can become a doctor.Help others, want to give the grace of this country, and I will never macro is a doctor.
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