6) prepare yourself, prepare yourself before you work with others.7.) responsible for their high academic team.8) compete with ourselves.Their honesty, 9), and others.10 150%) to work.11) discipline and time to know healing time.12) attention to detail of the work.Curious curious Lesson 13) looking for more knowledge.14.) is not just a side is not cute.There is always 15) modesty.16) overcome the mind by temper (Self Management)17) have confidence in ourselves.18) open mind willing to listen to different opinions.19.), and maintains a contract with myself and others on a regular basis.Dare say what the 20) is the appropriate method.21) evenly to keep seeking knowledge and understanding in the business of the organization.22.) there is a commitment (Commitment)23) time management (Time Management) known.24.) concentrate on work.25) weakest link yourself and learn the strengths that will allow promotion.26) learn from "professional" to professionals seeking knowledge from those who kengkwa to develop ourselves.27) exchange knowledge, experiences, experience with foreign colleagues, professional organization.There are 28) creativity. Open lokthat29) there is a wide variety of work patterns do not adhere.Plantain-30) liability from their own actions and not blame circumstances or other people and bring the crash comes as a lesson.31) get ready to change is always.The roles and duties of every 32), best.33) have to have a Role Model or inspiration.Trust in the leaders of 34) and colleaguesThere are 35) to convey the knowledge-sharing towards a colleague.36) Life Long Learning37) develop its own regularly (Continuous Improvement).38) based on shared values and culture of the organization.Seal weld power difference 39) (Synergy)40) are proud of themselves and the organization.
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