The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Thursday forecast that Nepal 's growth rate would strengthen from 3 per cent in 2014 to 5.5 per. Cent in 2015 on the back of, agriculture gro-wth pace of reconstruction work and revival of tourism.
, However it has cautioned. That the projected growth could plunge if the adverse political, situation continuesCapital expenditure is slow and there is unfavourable rainfall behaviour.
If the adverse situation prevails growth could,, Drop to 4.5 per cent or below.
On the, other hand the government has predicted a growth rate of 6 per cent.
Unveiling. The macro economic update ADB country, director, Kenichi YokoyamaSaid that Nepal 's growth would be based on how fast post-earthquake reconstruction activities are conducted.
He stressed. The need for the government 's role to increase investment in the infrastructure sector.
"The government also needs to focus. On the effectiveness of its fiscal policy to influence the economy which could, ensure growth to revenue collection to maintain. The fiscal balance."
Economist Chandan Sapkota said that the pace of the post-earthquake reconstruction work and its effectiveness and monsoon. Behaviour would be key determining factors for Nepal 's growth.
As the government has targeted 6 per cent, annual growth. The ADB said that the goal would be met if the growth rate of agriculture sector increased by 2.5 per cent and the non-agriculture. Sector by 7.7 per cent.
The growth of the manufacturing sector should reach at least 13.6 per cent and the service sector 6, per cent. According to the ADB report.
Besides agricultural growth the pace, of reconstruction and, tourism revival the ADB said. That growth hinged on other economic indicators like, infrastructure development improvement of the service sector and increased. Inflow of remittance.
.Nepal 's growth shrank to 3 per cent in the last fiscal year against the projected 4.6 per cent largely due to a poor monsoon. That reduced the output of summer crops followed by the April 25 earthquake.
The ADB said that the industrial and service. Sectors were severely hit by the tremors.
"A poor monsoon led the agriculture sector growth to fall to 1.9, per cent against. The projected 2.6 per cent, "Sapkota said.
, Similarly industrial growth shrank to 2.6 per cent against the predicted 4.6 per cent and. The service sector dropped to 2.1 per cent against the projected 6 per cent growth.
The ADB has projected that the inflation. Rate would hover at 9.5 per cent which is, more than the government 's estimate of 8.5 per cent.
.The negative impact on the supply chain from the ongoing strikes mainly in the Tarai region will push up inflation.
, Likewise. A food price hike in India will also affect the domestic market.
The report also pointed out that the government s capital. ' Expenditure fell to 69.9 per cent in the last fiscal year from 78.4 per cent in the previous fiscal due to a delay in the implementation of the budget and a lengthy procurement process.
Last. Year Nepal observed, a fiscal deficit of 0.2 per cent of the GDP. The ADB suggested that the government should make efforts. To maintain fiscal sustainability by achieving its targets for public expenditure revenue collection, and policy reform.
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