Chapter 1
The origin and significance
of mosquitoes (MOSQUITOES) Mosquitoes are insects that are found worldwide, but is more common in tropical and subtropical areas. Evidence from fossils can assume. Mosquito emerges from the primitive world, about 38-54 million years ago found that in this world there are about 3,450 species of mosquitoes found in mosquitoes that have at least 412 species are known by a simple language is Thailand. aegypti mosquito Anopheles mosquito nuisance tiger or tiger mosquitoes and mosquitoes or mosquito giant elephant. Which does not cover all the existing genus of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are insects that are generally small, with a body length of 4-6 mm. Some are very small, 2-3 mm., And some may be longer than 10 mm. Mosquitoes are looking head, thorax and abdomen. clearly visible and can be separated from other insects. Easily By observing the morphology The following is A mouth like a turkey Protrudes forward And 1 pair of wings for flying mosquito life cycle is complete. (Holometabolous), which includes eggs (egg) larvae (larvae) pupae (pupae) and the mosquitoes (adult) in tropical countries. Most female mosquitoes can live for 2-3 weeks, or if the temperature. Humidity and lighting right, it may last up to 4-6 weeks or longer. The male mosquito Anopheles generally last about one week with a focus on medical equipment, especially as malaria. In Thailand, as found in the present Anopheles least 73 species, but there are only three major types of vehicles. Mosquitoes were found in houses or villages as a vehicle of the disease. The wild mosquito-borne disease elephantiasis.
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