4.Production situation, cultivate area at the expected increase. A little compared with the production season year 2556 / 57 farmers many areas that, especially in the northern area, adjust, for planting cassava. Instead, the corn in the sea.Sugarcane and area, wilderness, because price incentive than other types of crops. However in many areas that western and central. The farmers planted cassava instead of corn le.During a long time, make cassava some damage. The varieties and lack of farmers needed to change,
.To grow corn after young animals replacement, as well as in the upper northeast. Sugar factory has encouraged the farmers plant sugarcane factory increase in yield is expected to increase. A little compared with the production season year 2556 / 57.At, the cultivation of tapioca, most of the countries, allowing favorable weather, suitable for the growth of the cassava. But in some provinces produced per farm decreases. Due to the impact of drought and ฝนทิ. The
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