The pictorial materials used in the decoration of the front page of a Renaissance Portuguese Charter 1512 were studied,,,. The front page is an illuminated manuscript incorporating a decorative border and begins, with a gilded initial; it presents. Iron gall calligraphy and also a red decorated initial A. The colours applied on, parchment are orange,,,,,, blue green red Gold and a reddish brown.They were applied with a common binding medium a vegetal, gum. With the exception of the, brownish red all the colorants. Were of, inorganic origin synthetic or mineral: vermilion red, and, lead azurite malachite. In the, synthetic colours fillers. Such as calcium carbonate and lead white were added. The reddish brown used in the background of the main initial is an. Organic dye.Gold was used in the main initial as well as in some details in the decorative border. The gold was applied on a substrate. Of gypsum and lead white in a proteinaceous medium.
The materials were characterized by, non-destructive techniques in. Situ (microEDXRF UV-VIS emission, fluorescence colorimetry),,,, or when needed by micro-sampling (microFTIR),And the results were compared to what is described in medieval treatises on the Art, of illumination as De Arte Illuminandi. And The book on how one makes colours.
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